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[1.1.88] script-created projectiles don't attribute damage to the specified source

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 9:01 pm
by asher_sky
I am trying to make a sort of automatic rocket launcher ability. I expect that setting the "source" of the created rocket projectile entity to the player character should attribute the rocket's damage to the character, however in the on_entity_died event, the cause is missing.

Steps to reproduce:
1. launch base game, no mods.
2. start a new save, all default settings.
3. run the below command in chat console:

Code: Select all

/c script.on_nth_tick(10, function()
    local player = game.players[1]
    local surface = player.surface
    local enemy = surface.find_nearest_enemy{
        position = player.position,
        max_distance = 50,
        force = player.force,
    if not enemy then return end
    local rocket = surface.create_entity{
        name = "rocket",
        position = player.position,
        direction = player.character.direction,
        force = player.force,
        target = enemy,
        source = player.character,
        speed = 1/25,
        max_range = 50,
        player = player,
        character = player.character,
script.on_event(, function(event) 
    game.print( .. " killed by " .. ((event.cause and or "unknown"))
4. go walk near a biter base and look at chat as the enemies die.
5. Since the source of the rocket projectile is set as the player character, I would expect the character to be the source of the damage when an enemy dies, but instead it is always "unknown" (event.cause is nil).

Re: [1.1.88] script-created projectiles don't attribute damage to the specified source

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 12:58 am
by Rseding91
Thanks for the report. It's now fixed for the next release.

Re: [1.1.88] script-created projectiles don't attribute damage to the specified source

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 2:14 am
by asher_sky
Amazing, thank you!