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[0.15.14] Crash when cancelling deconstruction of beacon

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 3:27 pm
by Masterfloc
- What did you do ?
Use the deconstruction planner to deconstruct a beacon, then cancel using shift-click.
This bug is very easily reproductible. Just start a map in sandbox, place a beacon, use a deconstruction planner on it, then cancel using shift-click.

- What happened ?
Game crashed with the "Unexpected error occurred" window

- What did you expect ?
The beacon's deconstruction should have been cancelled

- Log
Complete log file from a new sandbox map
Since the bug is so easily reproductible I will not include the savefile (it's take more time to download the save file than reproduce the bug using the indicated steps).

Re: [0.15.14] Crash when cancelling deconstruction of beacon

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 8:06 pm
by posila
Thanks for the report.
It should be fixed in 0.15.15

Re: [0.15.14] Crash when cancelling deconstruction of beacon

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 10:33 pm
by elfstone
In my case there were no beacons involved, but maybe it's the same root cause? Since its not reproducable, I can't verify or reject the hypothesis that it has been fixed. I'll post again if it happens a second time though.