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[0.11.21] Romanian translation

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 7:29 pm
by Serj_Rot
Hello romanian fellows! I know that some of you are playing this game! (you being boyfriends of friends of my girlfriend :lol:, that's how i heard about the game)
So, romanian translation is finished and we need approvels. The translation project is on You need an account and then you can approve and suggest better translations.

We'll talk on other subjects too on this forum and let's keep it in english.

Și totuși, dacă e careva care nu se omoară cu engleza, să scriem aici în română. Eventual să facem topicuri numa de limba română.
(Anyway, if there is someone here that isn't that ok with speaking english, let's write in romanian in this topic. Eventually we will make some romanian speaking topics.
