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Production spreadsheet

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 4:08 am
by Krissy
My partner and I wanted to know how many of each resource we would need in order to create X of each science pack. So I made a spreadsheet to answer this.

Then I got "but what if I also want an additional Y of some component?" Uhhh... okay, hang on.

So, having done all of this, I thought I'd share so other could benefit as well (and maybe point out any errors or missing entries, hopefully there aren't any). ... 1009009555

Re: Production spreadsheet

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 5:26 am
by Koub
[Koub] Moved to the Cheatsheets / Calculators / Viewers subforum.
BTW @OP : there are some other good to awesome tools in here, feel free to browse the subforum and check them