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Graphical Button Generator Tool

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 3:48 pm
by Nikey646
First off, let me prefix this by stating that this tool is written in C#, and as such any Unix users who wish to use it will need either mono (Along with the Systsm.Windows.Forms library from mono) or need to use Wine (Which will have even less effect than mono). The tool is actually untested on Mono, however due to previously coding tools for use on Mono, i do believe it should work fine with little to no trouble.

The objective of this tools is to generate UI Sprites for buttons for use in mods. To be precise, it'll generate something like:

It also generates the Lua code required to implement this button. So all that is required is to add

Code: Select all

require "prototypes/buttons/*button_name*
Than set the style to the same as the filename.

Screenshot of the tool: Image
Download: Github

P.S: Yes, my naming sense sucks :)
P.S.S: Hope i'm not breaking any rules/eula with the screenshots of the Rail Signal (And the generated button) If i am, just remove them/tell me and i'll make new ones with different icons.
P.S.S.S: This tool was made because afaik it's not possible to generate a button with an image, using the default styles, so you need to manually add the background to the image.

Re: Graphical Button Generator Tool

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 5:31 pm
by StanFear
Thank you for this too, it seems very usefull

(only seems because I actually never used buttons !)