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Biter Base size vs. attacking group of biters

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 8:40 am
by BasterFac
If have been playing quite a few hours and never really noticed this issue. But that it did it now I find somebody could maybe take a look at it:
a small biter Base sends a much bigger horde to my base than a bigger base (see the the attachments).
The evolution lvl. was the same (0.42, didnt take a picture).
The game is a Deathworld with Bob's mods and just a few hours into the game.
Now i am not sure whether its a mod issue or intended originally. "Bob" said he issnt toughning the behevior so ...

I personally thought for myself:
either the mall biter base should grow bigger before it sends such a massive horde,
or it send much smaller ones in shorter periods until it grew up bigger to make such a big horde plausible,
or it sens such a big horde way less frequent.
for we it would be an indicator for the size of the base to prepare myself ...

the difference in the modifiers between standard and deathworld are only size of enemy base, evolution time factor and polution.
but since the size of the biter base seems to not matter, maybe there would still a chance to tweak the biter base size and horde size ratio ?

Re: Biter Base size vs. attacking group of biters

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 10:47 am
by Qon
Which base is absorbing more pollution?

Re: Biter Base size vs. attacking group of biters

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 10:56 am
It's completely dependent on how much pollution there is. That, and a random time factor for when they actually send out the attack group.

Re: Biter Base size vs. attacking group of biters

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 11:09 am
by BasterFac
the small one got more polution.

but still, wouldnt it look better if the small base would be bigger (if this one gets more polution)? or send smaller groups more often rather than such a big one ?

but i kinda think a biter base acts not as base. it just relevant how much polution a spawer gets ?
maybe the whole base should act as 1 spawner rather than a single spawer as part of the base.
as it is lke now there could also be single spawners spread over the map than "bases". would be the same ammount of biters attacking me. kinda :)