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Roboport questions

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 8:42 pm
by Kostriktor

Straight to the point;

are Roboports sharing their robots? Can any robot fly everywhere?
I connect logistic system between the ports (yellowdotted line)a

If yes, can they teleport between the different ports?

And if they can, can they while holding items?


Re: Roboport questions

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 12:25 am
by Kazuar
Kostriktor wrote:Hello.

Straight to the point;

are Roboports sharing their robots? Can any robot fly everywhere?
Robots will be assigned to any task that is within the Roboport Network Area.
The reddish/orange area = logistic robot area, the greenish area = construction area.
As long as the reddish areas are touching, Roboports form a Network. A (free) robot might go to complete a task as long as the target point and destination point are within the Network Area, even if flying in a straight line might bring him out of network range - for example, if your Roboport Network Area shapes something like the letter U.
Kostriktor wrote:I connect logistic system between the ports (yellowdotted line)a

If yes, can they teleport between the different ports?
Robots do not teleport between ports, they need to fly all the way to do their job, potentially interrupting their job to 'refuel'/'recharge' mid-flight, but will 'park' in the closest Roboport after completion. This can mean they'll park themselves close to where the stuff goes, rather then where the stuff comes from, when the Roboport Network Area includes both a train unload station and the factory it supplies.

Re: Roboport questions

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 6:30 pm
by Kostriktor