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I'm not being attacked?

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 7:54 am
by Avous
I bought this game yesterday and had a lot of fun with it I actually played it for about eighteen hours because I have chronic insomnia and it helped me forget I have a hard time falling asleep!

It was all great fun but after two hours I noticed, I wasn't getting attacked Aliens I tried two bases since then and I've streamlined my production line a bit but I still haven't been attacked once.

I'm wondering if I'm just not causing enough pollution to cause them to spawn bases around me or what the issue is as I've pretty much got everything I need set up right now to progress for a long while.

Here's a picture of my newest bases production line


Am I doing something wrong? Everything is set on medium I didn't use peaceful either. Do I just not have enough automation to be attacked? That maps five hours old and I haven't seen an alien yet and I've afked with it on for an hour.

I built turrets at the beginning just to be safe but ultimately never used them. hence my ammo count.

Re: I'm not being attacked?

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 8:06 am
by NotMe
You just don't have any bases in range of your pollution

Re: I'm not being attacked?

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 8:09 am
by Avous
So the bases don't spread or they don't spawn in range of pollution? Thanks, I ran a ways out from my production line without finding any bases lol. Guess I'll just keep expanding!

Re: I'm not being attacked?

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 8:54 am
by Keyalha
The basic mechanic is that once your pollution reaches a enemy base then they get angry and start to attack.
So its proportional to your expansion, that is if you are not playing peaceful mode which i assume you do not.

Normally biters tend to expand towards you but only to a certain minimum distance towards your base but they keep a minimum distance.

Re: I'm not being attacked?

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 6:10 am
by Canyew
Pretty much if the red, transparent squares on your minimap/map (Press M) do not touch a red alien base. You won't get attacked.
I had to shut my base down from all production due to the the heavy number of alien hives around me, and you are complaining you can't get any to attack you... :P