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How to improve item search with angel+bob mod?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 8:39 pm
by wheezil
I love playing the angel+bob mod packs, but I find the item search to be incredibly frustrating. At this point I can't remember if vanilla has similar issues or if they are worse with the mods. The main problem is, the search often makes me type a near-exact match of the item name, along the way producing results that are ... baffling. For example, from crafting menu I type "iron". I'd kind of expect to see iron pipe, iron pipe-to-ground, iron plate, and so on. Instead, what I get are two advanced crafting menus for making iron ore. On the logistics menu I type "titanium" and get a lot of answers but no "titanium plate". This behavior evolves during the game, presumably depending on what has been researched. Checking the "fuzzy search" doesn't help.

If it matters, I can produce a list of searches that yield unhelpful and counter-intuitive results, but I'm hoping that someone already has seen this and knows of some setting or mod that I'm missing that would help. I've read in other posts about the game trying to keep from spamming the result list, but this seems to have gone too far the other direction. FWIW, FNEI and "what's it really used for" searches are much better.

PS: Still playing v1.0 with 1.0 mod packs. I'll upgrade if that will help!
