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Cancelling zip file selection causes a previously selected file to not upload

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 9:31 pm
by Silari
If you're on the 'Edit releases' page for a mod, and have selected a zip file to upload, then hitting the button to choose a file and canceling causes no changes to show on the site (all of the previously selected file's information is still shown), but at that point hitting submit takes you to the mod releases page without submitting anything, same as if you haven't selected a file at all.

One generally expects a cancel button to cancel the operation without any changes being made. In this case, it apparently does cause some change since hitting Submit afterwards doesn't upload any file, despite the previously selected file's information still being shown.

At the least if it's going to invalidate the previous choice when you cancel, the page should update to reflect that no file will be uploaded by removing the previously selected file's info.