I, Robot Jetpack integration
Posted: Thu May 30, 2024 8:03 am
How it started:
Playing away living my best Robot life, FACTORY MUST GROW!... and then i'm like ok time to jetpack around cuz you know, factory has SIZE. So I hit those keys to up, up and away... AND BAM no more robot, jetpack mod has its own nice fancy character graphics. Fair enough this kinda mod conflict is to be expected, but my naïve never made a mod past self is like, " I know how to shoop, how hard could this be"
How its going:
Pi-C, the author of I Robot is keen and has been helpful with making this happen, Earendel author of the jetpack mod... idk, isnt all that keen? Look point is i'm here with the graphics DONE and all that needs to happen is some code, like i've already hard replaced the graphics in my local jetpack mod files to play on, so all this is just "Maximum Effort" as the man in the red suit says.
But as someone new to the modding scene this kind of conflict of character state points at something bigger in they way these types of mods are put together. It could be broadly agreed that there are currently a SET of character or entity states and dif mods have dif skins so like, why arent the mods coded in a way to conform to the state SETs so cross mod graphical sharing is possible. Or is this just the clueless rambling of someone that knows just enough about code to be dangerous and useless.
Anyways, that nonsense aside this thread is so Pi-C and I plus some other keen people can make this mod over-ride or whatever it end up being happen.