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[MOD 0.14.x] Thorough processing

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 1:36 pm
by KepperMIEM

Name: Thorough processing
MOD Version: 14.6.0
Factorio Version: 0.14
Latest Released: 10 April 2017
Languages: English, Russian
This mod affects
- mining
- manufacture of copper and iron plates, steel, stone blocks and solid fuel(add production chains)
- alternative recipes: landfull, concrete, rails

It is based on Hard crafting

Integrated with:
Resource Spawner Overhaul
Nucular - Nuclear Power
Yuoki Industries
RUS Подробное описание
I'm not an painter.

Native language is Russian. In the English version there may be translation errors.


Update version les 14.6.0
It will be necessary to rebuild the "Crushers" and "Water treatment plants" from my mod, in existing game
If I set up the migration of these buildings, the AngelsRefining mod will be broken.

Thanks to judos.
Change Log

Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Thorough processing

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 12:04 pm
by Alav
что то ошибку при запуске выдает
Не удалось загрузить мод "ThoroughProcessing 0.14.3"
__ThoroughProcessing__/data.lua:28: __ThoroughProcessing__/Prototypes/Ores/mod-vanila-res.lua:30: attempt to call global 'ressourceItemMinMaxProb' (a nil value)

Правда у меня нет мода Nucular

Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Thorough processing

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 4:52 pm
by KepperMIEM
I forgot to test it on an absolutely empty game.

Several functions have been described in mod beltSorter.
I refused to use them, but I did not remove them everywhere.

This mod must work without integrated mods.

Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Thorough processing

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 7:23 pm
by Alav
Еще не все баги

Не удалось загрузить мод "ThoroughProcessing 0.14.4"
__ThoroughProcessing__/data.lua:72: __ThoroughProcessing__/Yuoki/Yuoki.lua:107: attempt to index local 'tmp_recipe' (a nil value)

Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Thorough processing

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 5:41 pm
by Alav
О вышел багофикс 0.14.5 ...

Error Util.cpp:57: Error while loading entity prototype "clarifier" (assembling-machine): Prototype "clarifier" registered twice
Modifications: ThoroughProcessing

Ждем следующий ...

P.S. Может перейдем на общения через скайп/аську, а то такими темпами долго будем жучков ловить

Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Thorough processing

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 6:30 pm
by KepperMIEM
I suppose it is conflict with mod AngelsRefining (Arch666Angel). It contain "clarifier".
I will reman buildings. But it take a time.

I will plase intermediate version into this topic.

Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Thorough processing

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 5:28 pm
by KepperMIEM
If there are no bugs, then I will upload mod to the site.

It will be necessary to rebuild the "Crushers" and "Water treatment plants" from my mod, in existing game
If I set up the migration of these buildings, the AngelsRefining mod will be broken.

-it does not conflict with the mod AngelsRefining (Arch666Angel) now
-fix the lack of localization of "contaminated water".
-fix the recipe "Washing crushed iron" with enabled Yuoki mod.
-add transportation of contaminated water in barrels.

I will refrain integration with Bobingabout's and Arch666Angel's mods for the time.

Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Thorough processing

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 7:38 pm
by Alav
Да игра запускается, но при попытки загрузить старую игру (которая была записана до установленного мода) выходит ошибка

Error while running the on_configuration_changed:
__ThoroughProcessing__/control.lua:21: attempt to index field 'fill_contaminated_water_barrel' (a nil value)

При этом с новой игрой проблем вроде как нет. по крайне мере создается, запускается, сохраняется и загружается.

P.S> Конфиг файл не планируется? Я например не люблю бесконечные руды и хотел бы отключить их. Ну или как Arch666Angel сделал - отдельный мод-тригер который отключает бесконечные ресурсы

Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Thorough processing

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:01 pm
by KepperMIEM

Забыл про эту строку, когда правил опечатку.
Там full_contaminated_water_barrel должно быть.

Теперь до завтра.

Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Thorough processing

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 9:11 pm
by Alav
Вот теперь и старые сейвы грузятся. Осталось разобраться что из чего производтся

Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Thorough processing

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 3:39 pm
by KepperMIEM
If there are no bugs, then I will upload mod to the site.

It will be necessary to rebuild the "Crushers" and "Water treatment plants" from my mod, in existing game
If I set up the migration of these buildings, the AngelsRefining mod will be broken.

Change log
-it does not conflict with the mod AngelsRefining (Arch666Angel) now
-fix the lack of localization of "contaminated water".
-fix the recipe "Washing crushed iron" with enabled Yuoki mod.
-add transportation of contaminated water in barrels.
-add config file
-add burner crusher(аvailable from the beginning of the game)
-rebalace recipes:
--sorting iron ore(it was too lucrative)
--pulverizing crushed iron(produce more iron slag)
--crushing rich copper ore(produce copper sludge now)
--decrease production time for recipes "Electrolysis copper sulfate" and "Copper sulfate"


Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Thorough processing

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 9:41 pm
by Alav
А можно еще для Мусоросжигателя добавить зеленных колбачек для исследований? А то для его изучения нужна продвинутая металлургия, а для неё нужны зеленные колбы. Поэтому логично или добавить 80 зеленных колб или мусоросжигатель строить из каменных печек (как на картинке), т.е. убрать требование продвинутой металлургии

Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Thorough processing

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 6:53 am
by KepperMIEM
If the incinerator is needed at an earlier stage of the game, then the way it is obtained can be simplified.

In HardCraftinge, it was needed for the disposal of dirt.

I can turn dirt into blocks in my mod. So I do not use incinerator at all and left it just to be.
Perhaps at later stages of the game there will be cluttering, but then it does not matter how much research of this technology costs.

So I do not see the point of changing anything yet.

Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Thorough processing

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 9:37 am
by Alav
На ранней стадии он не нужен. Просто играю с модом "Research queue" ( и там можно отфильтровать ислледования по колбачкам. И получается что если выбирать только красные колбочки, то туда попадает и мусоросжигатель, но при этом для его исследований нужно продвинутая металлургия с зеленными колбачками. Поэтому и хотелось бы добавить зеленных колбы для исследования

Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Thorough processing

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 2:18 pm
by daniel34
Alav wrote:На ранней стадии он не нужен. Просто играю с модом "Research queue" ( и там можно отфильтровать ислледования по колбачкам. И получается что если выбирать только красные колбочки, то туда попадает и мусоросжигатель, но при этом для его исследований нужно продвинутая металлургия с зеленными колбачками. Поэтому и хотелось бы добавить зеленных колбы для исследования
The language in this forum is English, as per the Forum Rules. You may post in your native language and add an english translation.

Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Thorough processing

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 1:41 pm
by KepperMIEM

This mode introduces complicated chains for processing gas, stone, coal, copper, iron and uranium ore into stone blocks, copper and iron plates, plastic, solid fuel, uranium.
Adds alternative recipes for the manufacture of rail, concrete, nuclear fuel and nuclear warheads
Adds deposits of rich copper and iron ores and deposits of endless resources (copper, iron, coal and stone)

You can create right from the very beginning of the game the automatic complexes of buildings for the processing of raw materials coming from the mines. Although they will not be effective in terms of loading buildings with work, but for their operation without the player's intervention, filter manipulators will not be needed.

You can use the productivity modules in almost all recipes of this mod, except recipes
 concrete, rail, nuclear material, separation of processed nuclear material, pulverizing of sulfur and sulfur formation from sulfur dust.
But because of the presence of feedbacks in the production chains, with powerful production modules, you can get resources from the void. For example:
Crushed iron -> Iron slag (crushing, washing, smelting) -> Crushed iron
Recipes are balanced so that from buildings it is possible to assemble a production line with a minimum use of conveyors.
Ie resources are transferred by inserters directly from one building to another and the buildings are not idle.
But this is without the impact of performance modules.

The greatest profit can be obtained if from iron slag to produce copper plates, and from a copper sludge produce iron plates.
But to achieve smooth operation you will have to think hard, because the system is not very stable (it was done intentionally).
For example:
You have an overproduction of iron plates.
Therefore, if the connection is incorrect, the copper sludge will be processed with interruptions.
Therefore, copper sludge can accumulate so much that already copper plates will be produced with interruptions.
Reducing the production of copper plates will reduce the consumption of iron plates.
The problem will grow like a snowball and as a result your factory can just stand up.
Added nuclear. It is under test.
Added: plutonium, nuclear warhead and nuclear fuel from plutonium, alternative purification and enrichment of uranium.

An example chain is the conversion of uranium-238 into uranium-235.
Uranium-238 -> Kovarex's structure (productivity modules) -> Nucular material cell -> Nuclear reactor -> Separation of used nucular material cell -> Uranium-235
30 June 2017 - 15.1.1
- switched to the version of factorio 0.15.10
- recipes for the production of steel dust and steel from steel dust become available after studying the technology of steel production
- With the demolition of the crusher with solid fuel, you will get the resources spent, not the crusher itself.
- the presence of infinite deposits of minerals is set in the settings of the mod when the new game starts
- removed the dependence on Nucular, the production of uranium is focused on vanilla
- added enrichment recipes through nuclear fusion
- plutonium was added as an experiment
- recipe for uranium ore purification added
- Recipe "Electrolysis of copper sulfate" becomes available after studying the technology of sulfuric acid production
- Recipes have been recast so that from the very beginning of the game it was possible to build an automatic enrichment complex (now you can do without clever manipulators)
- The recipe for crushing rich iron ore in iron shingle
- fixed the size of the icons of buildings
- balancing of iron production recipes
- When the Yuoki mod is connected, its dirt is used.
- completely refused to change the Yuoki recipes.
- When the Yuoki mod is connected, its proportions of converting water to wastewater 50/80 + 1 (con_water / water + dirt) are used.
- without the Yuoki fashion, the proportions of the conversion of water into waste water are given in accordance with the version of factorio 0.15.10: 50/40 + 1 (con_water / water + dirt)
- removed the recipe for creating blocks of dirt (now you can bake blocks only from dried mud)
- added a recipe for making plastic from coal dust
- redesigned the permissions system for the performance module recipes
changelog RUS
P.S. I will change first message of this topic at the next week.

Re: [MOD 0.14.x] Thorough processing

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 12:09 pm
by KepperMIEM
- added the recipe for crushing coal into dust
- Reduced the energy value of nuclear material from 1 GJ to 100 MJ
- the duration of the "Reprocessing of used nucular material cell"
- small editing of names
- receipt of smelting plates from copper and iron ore are close to the initial. In accordance with this, the rest of the recipes are recounted.
- added the opportunity to turn off the change in the original recipes for the smelting of iron and copper plates
- added the possibility to turn off in the map settings the appearance of deposits of rich iron and copper ore
- Adapt to version factorio 0.16
- in the recipe for sorting iron ore: ingots 2 -> 3, slag 3 -> 2
- added the iron nugget in the recipe for crushing rich iron ore
- the icon of the objects of buildings (the second-level buildings had icons from the first level)
- When the turret is destroyed, the wall and radar will remain scrap metal or a pile of gravel
- based on the recipe for mixing copper sulfate, it is possible to insert production modules
- in the recipe for crushing rich copper ore increased the amount of copper deposit
- added the copper precipitate in the recipe of copper sulfate
- in the recipe for copper reduction, the production of sulfuric acid

Re: [MOD 0.16.1] Thorough processing

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:46 pm
by Bear67
Two error's:

Slag Processing says it needs Iron Slag to create Copper products.
Sludge processing says it needs Copper Sludge to make Iron products.

Google Translator:
Обработка шлака говорит, что для производства изделий из меди требуется металлический шлак.
Обработка шлама говорит, что для производства изделий из железа требуется медный осадок.

edited 09/28/2018
Only took me a few months to realize that the above error is by design. My bad. :oops: