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[MOD 0.15] Tree growth family

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 12:54 pm
by Graveeater
I liked the way trees can grow in the ancient mod tree-farm-lite but I did not like other parts of that mod. I wanted tree growing independent of the remaining parts (farms in particular).
Then I noticed that there are also mods which add tree expansion, but these two concepts did not work together: The tree expansion mods just created mature trees instead of saplings.
So I created my own version of the tree lifecycle two combine this.
The Tree Growth family of mods consists of a core module, tree provider modules (currently only a sample one: tree-growth-scaled-trees) and currently two acting modules.

The purpose of the core module is just to coordinate everything, in particular transport the definitions from the provider modules to the acting modules and to define events. Currently the growth stages can be weighted, the time can be specified and they can be filtered based on tiles. Similarly reproduction can be filtered based on tiles.

A provider module uses the api provided by the core module to define how a tree can grow or reproduce. For example tree-growth-scaled-trees adds scaled versions of vanilla trees which grow from the sapling to the orginal tree. It also defines that the original tree can spawn saplings.

The two acting modules are responsible for growing (tree-growth-natural-growth) and reproducing (tree-growth-natural-expansion) trees. Growing is done by fetching the definitions from the core module and replaces small trees with larger trees after the configured time. Reproduction means creating new saplings near the mature tree.

Currently these four mods need to be used together.
I will probably add more acting modules in the future, I am currently thinking of something construction bot powered to plant and cut trees, similar to tree-farm-lite.
I am also thinking about adding seeds and a building to convert seeds to saplings to allow the player to plant trees.

I would love to see contributions and suggestions, in particular to the tree definitions. Also nice tree art featuring saplings would be nice.

Re: [MOD 0.15] Tree growth family

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 11:36 am
by KroshkaRoo
Need to add locale for "Tree growth: Scaled trees."
I make two for my game, en and ru.

I can also translate other Tree Growth mods on Russian.

Re: [MOD 0.15] Tree growth family

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 11:37 am
by KroshkaRoo

Re: [MOD 0.15] Tree growth family

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 11:34 pm
by Sabrewulf
Work with modded trees and moded biomes like "Alien Biomes"?

Re: [MOD 0.15] Tree growth family

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 10:45 am
by Graveeater
In principle this works with modded trees, yes.
You need to make sure that the mods adding them are loaded first.
For alien-biomes this is already done by an optional-dependency.

However there is no smart behaviour about biomes yet, e.g, your purple trees might expand everywhere.

Re: [MOD 0.15] Tree growth family

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 11:16 am
by mrvn
I feel that construction bots are too late in the game for this. Instead I think little mobile (driving) units would be better.

I'm also thinking of two buildings:

1) Nursery
A nursery produces saplings.

2) Forestry

A forestry takes saplings and produces wood. It houses a number of mobile units that go out, plant saplings and cut down grown trees.

There could be multiple tires for these. The nursery could take in water, electricity and fertilizer to grow saplings faster. The forestry could have larger range and more space for mobile units. Mobile units could start of as burner units, using some of the harvested wood to power them self and advance to battery or solar powered units. The Forestry could produce not just wood but also seedlings for the nursery and shavings for compost. Then there should be a method of disposing of excess seeds or shavings.

I think wood production should be possible right from the start or researchable right from the start. It should not require construction bots or even filter inserters for a basic setup. Advanced tires though could require them. Like when you advance to compost you need to filter out wood, seeds and shavings. Basic setup only has wood. Or with flight you get flying mobile units that don't have to go around trees to reach places.

Re: [MOD 0.15] Tree growth family

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 6:29 am
by Sabrewulf
What's mean "how much wind affect expansion" at configuration. Have factorio wind? :shock:

Re: [MOD 0.15] Tree growth family

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 12:22 am
by Griggers
I'm really looking forward to see what you can accomplish whit this mod.

I don't really want the natural spreading but I have been looking so hard to find a good mod to easily place trees in a large scale (preferably by bots) for aesthetics but so far these have been non-existent.
There was the treehouse mod but that one seems abandoned and only had 2 types of trees.
There is also arborium, but that mod can really make a mess of tree clearing with all the seeds and only allows you to manually place trees by hand one by one.

Could you maybe tell how the natural spreading works (like limits or effect on fps/ups)?

Re: [MOD 0.15] Tree growth family

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 9:41 am
by KroshkaRoo
Here is right ru locale for Tree Growth Family

Re: [MOD 0.15] Tree growth family

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 8:28 pm
by KroshkaRoo
ru locale need to be saved in UTF-8 without BOM

Re: [MOD 0.15] Tree growth family

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 9:14 pm
by KroshkaRoo
I have CTD in game after the mod update

Code: Select all

Error while running event tree-growth-natural-expansion::on_tick (ID 0)
__tree-growth-natural-expansion__/control/expansion.lua:140: bad argument #1 to 'raise_event' (number expected, got nil)