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Oil setup savefile

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 3:03 am
by syneris
I'm posting up my savefile for anyone who want to take a loot at my oil layout. If you are struggling to understand the new oil system, see how the primary component interact.

My main layout is fairly straight forward with a belt of iron and a belt of copper. Iron consumers are on one side, copper on the other, with things needing both in the middle of the two belts. I double up on iron and copper belts for another production line, but you'll see how before that most everything is on the on the iron side. Circuits are in the middle, while the copper is almost purely cables. Almost all your copper goes to circuits and advanced circuits.

There are some sections mixed in with the rest that aren't part of the main production and might be out of place. I don't create assembly machines chains for every single item, so these sections were added piecemeal as I felt the need to mass produce them or just have a stock on hand.

There is 75k+ iron ore and ~50k copper ore in storage. Iron is on it's second train expansion, but the first copper base is almost completely empty. Power isn't an issue as I just finished a large steam engine expansion using blueprints. The smelting zone and solar hub were also built via blueprint.The blueprints should still be available in inventory or the chest by the assembly machine making roboports (blueprint icon with alt info on).

The trains took a while to figure out and I still don't have a complete grasp on rail signals. The iron/coal line should be able to handle a third train as I had a test engine running with the other two for a few hours without any issues.

Link to save (19 megs): ...