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Compact Uranium Cell Maker/Recycler/Kovarex

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 9:34 am
by Tekillaa
Hi, there is some version of a uranium cell assembly i created, let me know what you think, I hope its possible to upgrade it!

Feature :
- Compactness (8xbeacon possible on each kovarex for high productivity)
- Input : uranium ore/ironplate/used up uranium fuel cell (optional, no need for start)
- Output : after a time, both uranium, uranium fuel cell
- Adjust on demand : after the kovarex workin, no need to touch something for makin this work, it will fill the chest till it's full, and it will wait your ask by saturation of the chests, and if the chest are filled, the part uranium fuel cell/recycler will ofc continue to work.
- Both uranium have separate lines : saturation is so not a problem, after kovarex started, you can forget the process, come back later, everything will always be fine, your used uranium cell will never stack (picture from creative mod), new cell will always be produce without any intervention.
- 2 step for quick start : destroy one underground to only feed 1 kovarex centrifuges in the begining, repeat the process for the next centrifuges to be faster, or build the underground and time will do it for you with the normal start.
- no wire, no bots, no calculator (maybe better for ups), only belt (can't make without :)). i put logistic chest for your ammo/nuke request.
- I made the kovarex to make each mats can pass twice in front of the centrifuge then it go to stock (it gives 100% 4 kovarex start before the first cell without intervention, so when first cell arrives, many friends come with, and energy is directly ready to use)
- Uranium from used up uranium cell is directly use for new cells or reinject in kovarex.
- I love marble run/circuit. very fun to watch to my pov.

Only inconvenient compared to a logic kovarex : It starts more slowly because inserter put 2 time the recipe in the centrifuge, but the quick start is manually possible, after it's works like all other kovarex.

Edit : some beacon mistakes (one or two can be remove for the same result), i will make a good version with beacon soon.

1) Early game :

2) End game : module and beacon, it produce a lot of things for what you need but if you need more... (200 u238/min, 23 u235/min, efficient for mega base)

3) "Nuclear Winter Warlord" version, like its said, you need more than energy :) (about 50 u235/min)

BP book :