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TAFK (Tochs Automatic Factory Kit)-Self unpacking Factory

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 7:15 pm
by Toch

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Youtube: ... N4mIewMWXw
Reddit: ... ctory_kit/

My initional goal was to produce self-replicating factory. Than I decided that it should be “self-unpackable”. Than figured out it should have purpose. So why not use main game purpose build a rocket. I went with that. But after a lot of time was spent on design and testing I realized its too UPS heavy and ill be satisfied with just autobuild rocket for V1.2 replicating will come with V2. (It wouldn’t be that hard to iplement at moment but putting 2-3 factories like this would kill UPS.)
Mine conditions was too fit all material into ship + as minimum possible into inventory for starting point + 1 con. Robot. After I leave ship I remove my armor so iam not dependat on personal roboport.
One of goals was to be it flexible and possible to deploy on all locations fitting specific condition, but this feature is kinda wonky atm since if layout of materials around base is bad it can take hours and hours longer to autobuild rocket

So whats going on. (What you can see on video)

First of all you have to find a spot with Iron, Coal and Cooper in initial blueprint. Stone is optionaly all you need to have it in expansion way of “mining arms” cos its needed later on.
Than you put small blueprint phase #0 and park your ship next to it so it can be unloaded.
Phase #1: Starting power boost and some basic stuff.
Continue when: inventory unloaded up to constant combinators.
Phase #2: Frame that will collect all resources coming to it.
Continue when: Everything builded
Phase #3: Steam engines
Continue when: All boilers are filled with coal
Phase #4: Basic items
Continue when: Enough inserters, belts for next phase
Phase #5: Expanded items
Continue when: Solars > 800
Here it splits to two other modes
A) Whenever solars in chest >200 it will build another cube of solars above last ones. )upt o limit of 1,6K)
B) And whenever factory have materials (ports,belts, miners) to build another arm extension it keeps growing up to limit of solars, it wont build more miners than solars can keep-up with.
Phase #6: Building robots (A, B, still in progress)
Continue when: Constructions robots >290 Logistics >590
Phase #7: Building silo
Continue when: Silo is done
Phase #8: Building rocket
Continue when: rocket is done

There is a lot of internal ”logic”, fail safe mechanics and conditions based on trial and error method, that is not oclearly visible but some of it can be seen on detailed screens and I might explain them more if there is interest.
A lot of mine time took system to ensure miner expansions stops as soon as it hit resource and wait for all resources to be found before going crazy all directions, which turned to be kinda redundant in the end, but I decidet to stick with it for sake of finishing version V1, and will fix and redo it at V2.

EDIT1: Oil is solved by this mod
EDIT2: No research

Re: TAFK (Tochs Automatic Factory Kit)-Self unpacking Factory

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 5:54 pm
by NiftyManiac
Just want to say that this is awesome and hasn't got nearly the attention it deserves. Looking forward to V2 and self replication!

The race to the first self-replicating factory is on.

Re: TAFK (Tochs Automatic Factory Kit)-Self unpacking Factory

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 10:39 pm
by Koub
How could I have missed that post ? This is insane, so Factorian :)

Re: TAFK (Tochs Automatic Factory Kit)-Self unpacking Factory

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 12:12 pm
by Toch
Maybe posting on redit on friday was not good idea :D , but hey atleast more people will be suprised when TAFK 2.0 will be out. But i need 0.15 for that.
Just want to say that this is awesome and hasn't got nearly the attention it deserves. Looking forward to V2 and self replication!

The race to the first self-replicating factory is on.
Hehe i was actualy sitting on this for while but when i saw your goo i tought that ill share mine progress as well :)
Tho i lack knowledge in coding, so all i have is common sence and my favourite IF statement chains. :)

Re: TAFK (Tochs Automatic Factory Kit)-Self unpacking Factory

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 10:19 am
by Durabys
So will there be an update? Because this is an awesome idea.

Re: TAFK (Tochs Automatic Factory Kit)-Self unpacking Factory

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 12:56 pm
by Toch
While working on TAFK 2, here are some ss that was requested in youtube comments.

Re: TAFK (Tochs Automatic Factory Kit)-Self unpacking Factory

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 6:51 pm
by Durabys
Will you make TAFK for 0.15/0.16 science?

Re: TAFK (Tochs Automatic Factory Kit)-Self unpacking Factory

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 7:43 am
by Toch
Yop working on it.

Re: TAFK (Tochs Automatic Factory Kit)-Self unpacking Factory

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 8:33 pm
by dutchuss2016
im sorry about necroing this but i saw it on youtube and wanted to play with it and watch it in real time one small problem it gets to
Untitled.jpg (654.69 KiB) Viewed 8689 times
and doesent continue building its self am i starting it wrong

Re: TAFK (Tochs Automatic Factory Kit)-Self unpacking Factory

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 12:35 pm
by Toch
What version do you run it on ?

atm iam not able to ensure its gonna work cos iam not sure witch versions where mods, like recursive blueprints, on back than.
But whole build should be bit more to south cos of stone, also was plane fully unloaded ?

otherwise "arm books" seems to be in postions they just miss signal. Been so long iam not even sure what they waiting for xD Would have to go back to 0.14 and atm iam really busy with 0.15 version of this.

Re: TAFK (Tochs Automatic Factory Kit)-Self unpacking Factory

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 6:42 pm
by jasdjensen
I'm interested in playing with this. Is it up to 0.16 yet?

Re: TAFK (Tochs Automatic Factory Kit)-Self unpacking Factory

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 8:20 pm
by Toch
iam afraid not, and i wont transfer it into 0.16, because iam working on something even more crazy :)