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Bug?: Missing cargo warning for mixed delivery, except it is perfectly fulfilled

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 11:06 pm
by brainfart21
To make some blueprints in sandbox mode, I made a station, that supplies a train with exactly what it needs, using infinity chests (aggregate chests to be exact). But if it then leaves for a mixed delivery, a warning is thrown, that it left with too little cargo, even though the train contents match the expected cargo exactly. I have attached a save file with the setup and a few mods.
Empty the big chest you spawn next to, to trigger a delivery. The supply station is in the square to the north. A marked combinator can be used to stop the train from departing (circuit conditions are scheduled). This happens everytime a new delivery is done. The infinity chest next to it can be used to void the inventory.
Beware if you have never used the wire shortcuts mod, you might need to add them to your toolbar in order to place circuit wires. The LTN station setup is done via LTN combinator modernized.
This does not happen with single item deliveries, even if they dont completely fill the train. Remove a single item from the big chest to test that case.

Re: Bug?: Missing cargo warning for mixed delivery, except it is perfectly fulfilled

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 6:25 am
by Optera