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High-tech chips

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 8:42 am
by Pridesfall
Just needed to brag to someone that I just made my first high-tech (blue) chips with the complete Py suit. 454 hours. Oof.

Can't wait to progress further.

Re: High-tech chips

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 9:06 am
by ickputzdirwech
Please brag some more and post some images and or blueprints!

Re: High-tech chips

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 9:49 pm
by Pridesfall
Sure. My base design is based around LTN with city blocks. I'm building out from the mall and the base is 20 blocks tall and across. Each block contains 8 stations, 2 on each side, that accepts 1-2 trains. I have 11 train depots containing a total of 165 trains. My base is powered mostly with solar but at night it makes some power with combustion mixture and steam from MK 1 fuel rods. I use about 1.8 GW. Still getting 60 ups/fps even when using my slower laptop.

I think my biggest bottlenecks right now are nexelit, raw fiber, and blood.

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My mall making mk 1 and mk 2 buildings

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One of my city blocks making coke.

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Fluid production screen.

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Item production screen.