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accept "-" as well as "_" in mod folder names?

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:30 pm
by GopherAtl
If the mod's folder/zip could be named in the form "<name>-<version>" as well as "<name>_<version>" then a github source repo with the same name as the mod, can have a branch named as the version number, ex, "0.1.0" and a link to download that branch as a zip will work directly, without modification, as a download link for mods hosted on github.

It's a little thing, but it seems like a very high benefit-to-cost ratio to me.

Re: accept "-" as well as "_" in mod folder names?

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 3:21 pm
by Outsider
doesn't it already work that way? you can name your mod with these characters in them and you can have the same folder..

for instance my mod is named "advanced-logistics-system"

the folder for the latest version is "advanced-logistics-system_0.2.4"

my project on github is named "advanced-logistics-system" now whenever i make a new release, i tag the release commit using a tag like this "advanced-logistics-system_x.x.x" the x's are replaced with the current release version obviously..

that way on github the releases will have zip files that work right away, you can also use "_" in your mod name if you wanna keep it uniform with the version separator "_"

Re: accept "-" as well as "_" in mod folder names?

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 4:00 pm
by GopherAtl
I always tag releases as just "0.1.0" and the resulting zips are "<repo-name>-<release-tag>," and assumed that it always followed that pattern, but I shouldn't put it past google not to have a hard pattern that could result in autogenerated names like "MyThing-MyThing v1.0" so I'll try tagging the releases as the full "name_version" later and see if it does indeed produce a viable mod zip.