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[0.17.1] Worms show up on global map, but not on minimap

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 2:54 am
by deef0000dragon1
When exploring the map, A pair of worms was run into that did not show up on the minimap, but DID show up on the main map. Some normal biters can be seen on the minimap if you zoom in, so it appears to only effect these worms.



Re: [0.17.1] Worms show up on global map, but not on minimap

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 4:39 am
by Rseding91
Thanks for the report however i don't think this will ever be fixed. The mini-map shows a downscaled version of the normal map and when downscaling those few pixels they're lost in the downscale process.