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[1.1.19] Map is frozen on a tick?

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 9:53 am
by Pridesfall
It happened randomly so I can't give steps to duplicate it but everything seems to be stuck on a certain simulation tick. I can't press E to open my inventory or open entities but I could press esc to get to the menu. I saved it and it loads stuck in this same spot still frozen. It has happened to me once before but I think I was able to fix it by saving and reloaded.

I loaded my autosave and it has been working fine since. The game and all mods are up to date.

Re: [1.1.19] Map is frozen on a tick?

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 10:28 am
by boskid
This is a normal state when tick is paused. In this save file tick is paused and no entity updates are happening, exactly as expected.

You have 2 mods that are able to stop the entity update: clock and helmod. By simply opening and closing helmod main gui entity update will be back. Other option is to change mod settings and enable Clock "admin options pane" from which you will get a pause time button. Or use a command `/c game.tick_paused=false`. I see nothing that could be caused by the base game itself as the only way it stops entity update is when going to /editor. Moving to "Not a bug" unless you can show that the issue was not caused by mods or console commands. Based on the code of used mods, i would guess it was somehow caused by the helmod because the mod "clock" only pauses time by its admin panel.