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better trigger/actiondelivery documentation

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2020 5:24 am
by ownlyme
it's pretty unusable.. i'm serious .. sorry :/
especially it should be structured in a reasonable way .. maybe some kind of virtual sandbox where you can just put something together, seeing what goes in where...
and the descriptions are not always too comprehensive

btw: the force: "not-self" property seems to prevent harm to the shooting entity (tank).. its a bit confusing that it's under force but i'm actually glad i found a property that does this...
edit: i misinterpreted my testing results, force = "not-self" works as it sounds, not damaging entities of the same force, my damage came from a different source. sad. guess we need another flag to prevent self-harm them.

Re: better trigger/actiondelivery documentation

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2020 8:41 pm
by Rseding91
There is no documentation for triggers in the lua-api page. So, any documentation that exists is going to be on the wiki.

As far as I know, the wiki is just "these are the properties" and there is no "documentation". There is no "documentation" for prototype properties anywhere - just listings of properties in what something has (if the wiki has it).

Turns out, I was wrong about everything I said. Some of the other team members have written documentation about the triggers for the Lua API and have written some documentation about prototypes on the wiki.

Re: better trigger/actiondelivery documentation

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 7:48 am
by Bilka
Hey, which documentation do you mean? Wiki/ both somewhat document it. What exactly are the problems and what would you suggest to improve the documentation?

Re: better trigger/actiondelivery documentation

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 3:16 pm
by ownlyme
there are just too many sub-articles...

Re: better trigger/actiondelivery documentation

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 3:27 pm
by Bilka
What would you suggest to improve the page?