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SOLVED: Unable to access custom noise at runtime

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 7:59 am

I'm having trouble accessing custom noise layers at runtime with calculate_tile_properties. I've searched around and I see that from the original post (viewtopic.php?p=438975&sid=73a3aebfb456 ... 2b#p438975), you have to add it to property_expression_names. It doesn't specify whether this is at the prototype stage or the control stage, but I've tried both to no avail:


Code: Select all

    type = "noise-layer",
    name = "fertility"
    type = "noise-expression",
    name = "fertility",
    intended_property = "fertility",
    expression =
      type = "function-application",
      function_name = "factorio-basis-noise",
      arguments =
        x = noise.var("x"),
        y = noise.var("y"),
        seed0 = tne(noise.var("map_seed")),
        seed1 = tne(123),
        input_scale = tne(1/100),
        output_scale = tne(1)

for _,mapgen in pairs(data.raw["map-gen-presets"]) do
  for _,preset in pairs(mapgen) do
    if preset.basic_settings then
      if preset.basic_settings.property_expression_names then
        preset.basic_settings.property_expression_names["fertility"] = "fertility"
        preset.basic_settings.property_expression_names = {fertility = "fertility"}

Code: Select all

for _,surface in pairs(game.surfaces) do
game.print("fertility:"..serpent.block(game.players[1].surface.calculate_tile_properties({"fertility"}, {game.players[1].position})))
but the output is simply "fertility:{}". If I change this to query "temperature" instead, it works just fine!

I even tried creating a tile to generate with the noise layer so it would be "used," but no luck with that either

Code: Select all

local noise = require("noise")

local tilled_soil = util.table.deepcopy(data.raw.tile["landfill"]) = "tilled-soil"
tilled_soil.layer = 17
tilled_soil.autoplace =
  peaks = { noise_layer = "fertility" }
  --coverage = 0
The only thing that shows I'm doing something right is that if I create a second "fertility-b" expression, then it shows up as a customizable property in the map gen settings... but again, changes nothing.

I've also tried copy pasting this code into my mod files: viewtopic.php?p=572500#p572500
But for me, the grass covers the ENTIRE area, rather than being patchy like shared in screenshots with their post.

Any ideas what I'm missing in setting up the noise layer / noise expression to be accessible at control-time?

Re: Unable to access custom noise at runtime

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:30 am
by Xorimuth

Code: Select all

This won’t work. You have to do this instead:

Code: Select all

local map_gen_settings = surface.map_gen_settings
surface.map_gen_settings = map_gen_settings

Re: Unable to access custom noise at runtime

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 3:33 pm
Hmmm, unfortunately I made that change to no avail, "temperature" still gets printed out, but "fertility" is always an empty result.

As a sanity check, I also tried disabling all other mods and left just this one, and none of them seem to be the culprit.

I've also tried not specifying an intended_property on the noise-expression, and have commented out the tile declaration to simplify things since it wasn't seeming to do anything.

Re: SOLVED: Unable to access custom noise at runtime

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 10:21 pm
UPDATE: I figured it out, the noise layer is not necessary for accessing this at runtime, and for some reason the noise expression cannot be named the same thing as the property being accessed.

The following works:

Code: Select all

for _,surface in pairs(game.surfaces) do
    local mgs = surface.map_gen_settings
    mgs.property_expression_names["fertility"] = "fertility-expression"
    surface.map_gen_settings = mgs
  game.print("fertility:"..serpent.block(game.players[1].surface.calculate_tile_properties({"fertility"}, {game.players[1].position})))