[Solved] Need help with Layered entities
Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 4:39 am
by anarchyinc
Hello all, I just spent the whole day working on an idea I had to combine an electrical pole, lamp, and a roboport zone extender into one entity. So far I've used the wiki and older mods "concrete lamp post" as references and updated the script the best I could to v14.
After several sloppy edits, I can now place my new electrical pole down then the lamp and roboport addons will spawn into place. If I pick up the pole, the addons are removed as intended. Only issue I have left is that my new logistic addon isn't connecting to my existing network. If I place it down directly it will connect to the network but not to the script spawned entities. The script spawned addons WILL connect to each other.
I've obviously done something incorrectly but as I've never played around with complicated on_event scripts, I haven't got a clue what I did wrong. And even less of a clue on where to start looking.
sloppy update of control.lua from factorio v12
After several sloppy edits, I can now place my new electrical pole down then the lamp and roboport addons will spawn into place. If I pick up the pole, the addons are removed as intended. Only issue I have left is that my new logistic addon isn't connecting to my existing network. If I place it down directly it will connect to the network but not to the script spawned entities. The script spawned addons WILL connect to each other.
I've obviously done something incorrectly but as I've never played around with complicated on_event scripts, I haven't got a clue what I did wrong. And even less of a clue on where to start looking.
sloppy update of control.lua from factorio v12
-- Factory backbone control set
function BuiltEntity(event)
-- spawn light addon
if event.created_entity.name == "factory-backbone" then
local e = event.created_entity
local s = e.surface
local X = e.position.x
local Y = e.position.y
local l = s.create_entity{name = "backbone-light", position = {X,Y}, force= game.forces.neutral}
l.destructible = false
-- spawn logistic addon
if event.created_entity.name == "factory-backbone" then
local e = event.created_entity
local s = e.surface
local X = e.position.x
local Y = e.position.y
local l = s.create_entity{name = "backbone-logistics", position = {X,Y}, force= game.forces.neutral}
l.destructible = false
-- remove light addon
function MinedEntity(event)
if event.entity.name == "factory-backbone" then
local b = event.entity
local X = b.position.x
local Y = b.position.y
lamp = b.surface.find_entities_filtered{area = {{X -0.5, Y - 0.5 }, {X + 0.5 , Y +0.5 }}, name= "backbone-light"}
if lamp[1] ~= nil then
lamp[1].destroy() end
-- remove logistic addon
if event.entity.name == "factory-backbone" then
local b = event.entity
local X = b.position.x
local Y = b.position.y
roboport = b.surface.find_entities_filtered{area = {{X -0.5, Y - 0.5 }, {X + 0.5 , Y +0.5 }}, name= "backbone-logistics"}
if roboport[1] ~= nil then
roboport[1].destroy() end
script.on_event(defines.events.on_built_entity, BuiltEntity)
script.on_event(defines.events.on_robot_built_entity, BuiltEntity)
script.on_event(defines.events.on_preplayer_mined_item , MinedEntity)
script.on_event(defines.events.on_entity_died , MinedEntity)
script.on_event(defines.events.on_robot_pre_mined , MinedEntity)
function BuiltEntity(event)
-- spawn light addon
if event.created_entity.name == "factory-backbone" then
local e = event.created_entity
local s = e.surface
local X = e.position.x
local Y = e.position.y
local l = s.create_entity{name = "backbone-light", position = {X,Y}, force= game.forces.neutral}
l.destructible = false
-- spawn logistic addon
if event.created_entity.name == "factory-backbone" then
local e = event.created_entity
local s = e.surface
local X = e.position.x
local Y = e.position.y
local l = s.create_entity{name = "backbone-logistics", position = {X,Y}, force= game.forces.neutral}
l.destructible = false
-- remove light addon
function MinedEntity(event)
if event.entity.name == "factory-backbone" then
local b = event.entity
local X = b.position.x
local Y = b.position.y
lamp = b.surface.find_entities_filtered{area = {{X -0.5, Y - 0.5 }, {X + 0.5 , Y +0.5 }}, name= "backbone-light"}
if lamp[1] ~= nil then
lamp[1].destroy() end
-- remove logistic addon
if event.entity.name == "factory-backbone" then
local b = event.entity
local X = b.position.x
local Y = b.position.y
roboport = b.surface.find_entities_filtered{area = {{X -0.5, Y - 0.5 }, {X + 0.5 , Y +0.5 }}, name= "backbone-logistics"}
if roboport[1] ~= nil then
roboport[1].destroy() end
script.on_event(defines.events.on_built_entity, BuiltEntity)
script.on_event(defines.events.on_robot_built_entity, BuiltEntity)
script.on_event(defines.events.on_preplayer_mined_item , MinedEntity)
script.on_event(defines.events.on_entity_died , MinedEntity)
script.on_event(defines.events.on_robot_pre_mined , MinedEntity)
-- Factory Backbone Test
type = "recipe",
name = "factory-backbone",
enabled = "true",
energy_required = 15,
ingredients =
{"processing-unit", 20},
{"steel-plate", 150},
{"small-lamp", 5}
result = "factory-backbone",
icon = "__anarchy__/graphics/icons/backbone-icon.png"
type = "item",
name = "factory-backbone",
icon = "__anarchy__/graphics/icons/backbone-icon.png",
flags = {"goes-to-quickbar"},
subgroup = "energy-pipe-distribution",
order = "a[energy]-e[factory-backbone]",
place_result = "factory-backbone",
stack_size = 50
type = "item",
name = "backbone-light",
icon = "__anarchy__/graphics/icons/backbone-icon.png",
flags = {"hidden"},
subgroup = "energy",
order = "a[energy]-e[factory-backbone]",
place_result = "backbone-light",
stack_size = 50
type = "item",
name = "backbone-logistics",
icon = "__anarchy__/graphics/icons/backbone-icon.png",
flags = {"hidden"},
subgroup = "energy",
order = "a[energy]-e[factory-backbone]",
place_result = "backbone-logistics",
stack_size = 50
type = "electric-pole",
name = "factory-backbone",
icon = "__anarchy__/graphics/icons/backbone-icon.png",
flags = {"placeable-neutral", "player-creation"},
minable = {hardness = 0.2, mining_time = 1.5, result = "factory-backbone"},
max_health = 350,
corpse = "small-remnants",
collision_box = {{-0.05, -0.05}, {0.05, 0.05}},
selection_box = {{-0.5, -0.5}, {0.5, 0.5}},
drawing_box = {{-0.5, -2.6}, {0.5, 0.5}},
maximum_wire_distance = 36.5,
supply_area_distance = 18.5,
vehicle_impact_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact.ogg", volume = 1.0 },
pictures =
filename = "__anarchy__/graphics/entity/backbone.png",
priority = "extra-high",
width = 136,
height = 132,
axially_symmetrical = false,
direction_count = 1,
shift = {1, -0.75},
connection_points =
shadow =
copper = {2.60, -0.6},
green = {2.55, -0.6},
red = {2.65, -0.6}
wire =
copper = {0.25, -2.65},
green = {0.30,-2.65},
red = {0.35,-2.65}
radius_visualisation_picture =
filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/electric-pole-radius-visualization.png",
width = 16,
height = 16
type = "lamp",
name = "backbone-light",
icon = "__anarchy__/graphics/icons/backbone-icon.png",
flags = {"placeable-neutral","placeable-off-grid", "player-creation"},
minable = {hardness = 0.2, mining_time = 1.5},
max_health = 350,
corpse = "small-remnants",
collision_box = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}},
selection_box = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}},
energy_source =
type = "electric",
usage_priority = "secondary-input"
energy_usage_per_tick = "50KW",
light = {intensity = 0.9, size = 100},
light_when_colored = {intensity = 1, size = 6},
glow_size = 6,
glow_color_intensity = 0.135,
picture_off =
filename = "__anarchy__/graphics/entity/blank.png",
priority = "medium",
width = 1,
height = 1,
axially_symmetrical = false,
direction_count = 1,
-- shift = {1, -0.75},
picture_on =
filename = "__anarchy__/graphics/entity/backbonelighton.png",
priority = "high",
width = 136,
height = 132,
frame_count = 1,
axially_symmetrical = false,
direction_count = 1,
shift = {1, -0.75},
signal_to_color_mapping =
{signal="signal-red", color={r=1,g=0,b=0}},
{signal="signal-green", color={r=0,g=1,b=0}},
{signal="signal-blue", color={r=0,g=0,b=1}},
{signal="signal-yellow", color={r=1,g=1,b=0}},
{signal="signal-pink", color={r=1,g=0,b=1}},
{signal="signal-cyan", color={r=0,g=1,b=1}},
circuit_wire_connection_point =
shadow =
red = {0.734375, 0.578125},
green = {0.609375, 0.640625},
wire =
red = {0.40625, 0.34375},
green = {0.40625, 0.5},
circuit_connector_sprites = get_circuit_connector_sprites({0.1875, 0.28125}, {0.1875, 0.28125}, 18),
circuit_wire_max_distance = 36.5
type = "roboport",
name = "backbone-logistics",
icon = "__anarchy__/graphics/icons/backbone-icon.png",
flags = {"placeable-neutral", "placeable-off-grid", "player-creation"},
minable = {hardness = 0.2, mining_time = 1.5},
max_health = 350,
corpse = "small-remnants",
collision_box = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}},
selection_box = {{-0.5, -0.5}, {0.5, 0.5}},
logistics_radius = 18.5,
construction_radius = 36.5,
energy_source =
type = "electric",
usage_priority = "secondary-input",
input_flow_limit = "5MW",
buffer_capacity = "100MJ"
recharge_minimum = "5MJ",
energy_usage = "50KW",
charging_energy = "5MW",
robot_slots_count = 0,
material_slots_count = 0,
charge_approach_distance = 5,
charging_offsets =
{-1.5, -0.5}, {1.5, -0.5}, {1.5, 1.5}, {-1.5, 1.5},
vehicle_impact_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact.ogg", volume = 1.0 },
base =
filename = "__anarchy__/graphics/entity/backbone.png",
width = 136,
height = 132,
shift = {1, -0.75}
base_animation =
filename = "__anarchy__/graphics/entity/blank.png",
priority = "medium",
width = 1,
height = 1,
frame_count = 1
base_patch =
filename = "__anarchy__/graphics/entity/blank.png",
width = 1,
height = 1,
frame_count = 1
door_animation_up =
filename = "__anarchy__/graphics/entity/blank.png",
width = 1,
height = 1,
frame_count = 1
door_animation_down =
filename = "__anarchy__/graphics/entity/blank.png",
width = 1,
height = 1,
frame_count = 1
recharging_animation =
filename = "__anarchy__/graphics/entity/blank.png",
width = 1,
height = 1,
frame_count = 1
recharging_light = {intensity = 0.4, size = 5},
request_to_open_door_timeout = 15,
spawn_and_station_height = 1.75,
draw_logistic_radius_visualization = true,
draw_construction_radius_visualization = true,
type = "recipe",
name = "factory-backbone",
enabled = "true",
energy_required = 15,
ingredients =
{"processing-unit", 20},
{"steel-plate", 150},
{"small-lamp", 5}
result = "factory-backbone",
icon = "__anarchy__/graphics/icons/backbone-icon.png"
type = "item",
name = "factory-backbone",
icon = "__anarchy__/graphics/icons/backbone-icon.png",
flags = {"goes-to-quickbar"},
subgroup = "energy-pipe-distribution",
order = "a[energy]-e[factory-backbone]",
place_result = "factory-backbone",
stack_size = 50
type = "item",
name = "backbone-light",
icon = "__anarchy__/graphics/icons/backbone-icon.png",
flags = {"hidden"},
subgroup = "energy",
order = "a[energy]-e[factory-backbone]",
place_result = "backbone-light",
stack_size = 50
type = "item",
name = "backbone-logistics",
icon = "__anarchy__/graphics/icons/backbone-icon.png",
flags = {"hidden"},
subgroup = "energy",
order = "a[energy]-e[factory-backbone]",
place_result = "backbone-logistics",
stack_size = 50
type = "electric-pole",
name = "factory-backbone",
icon = "__anarchy__/graphics/icons/backbone-icon.png",
flags = {"placeable-neutral", "player-creation"},
minable = {hardness = 0.2, mining_time = 1.5, result = "factory-backbone"},
max_health = 350,
corpse = "small-remnants",
collision_box = {{-0.05, -0.05}, {0.05, 0.05}},
selection_box = {{-0.5, -0.5}, {0.5, 0.5}},
drawing_box = {{-0.5, -2.6}, {0.5, 0.5}},
maximum_wire_distance = 36.5,
supply_area_distance = 18.5,
vehicle_impact_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact.ogg", volume = 1.0 },
pictures =
filename = "__anarchy__/graphics/entity/backbone.png",
priority = "extra-high",
width = 136,
height = 132,
axially_symmetrical = false,
direction_count = 1,
shift = {1, -0.75},
connection_points =
shadow =
copper = {2.60, -0.6},
green = {2.55, -0.6},
red = {2.65, -0.6}
wire =
copper = {0.25, -2.65},
green = {0.30,-2.65},
red = {0.35,-2.65}
radius_visualisation_picture =
filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/electric-pole-radius-visualization.png",
width = 16,
height = 16
type = "lamp",
name = "backbone-light",
icon = "__anarchy__/graphics/icons/backbone-icon.png",
flags = {"placeable-neutral","placeable-off-grid", "player-creation"},
minable = {hardness = 0.2, mining_time = 1.5},
max_health = 350,
corpse = "small-remnants",
collision_box = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}},
selection_box = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}},
energy_source =
type = "electric",
usage_priority = "secondary-input"
energy_usage_per_tick = "50KW",
light = {intensity = 0.9, size = 100},
light_when_colored = {intensity = 1, size = 6},
glow_size = 6,
glow_color_intensity = 0.135,
picture_off =
filename = "__anarchy__/graphics/entity/blank.png",
priority = "medium",
width = 1,
height = 1,
axially_symmetrical = false,
direction_count = 1,
-- shift = {1, -0.75},
picture_on =
filename = "__anarchy__/graphics/entity/backbonelighton.png",
priority = "high",
width = 136,
height = 132,
frame_count = 1,
axially_symmetrical = false,
direction_count = 1,
shift = {1, -0.75},
signal_to_color_mapping =
{signal="signal-red", color={r=1,g=0,b=0}},
{signal="signal-green", color={r=0,g=1,b=0}},
{signal="signal-blue", color={r=0,g=0,b=1}},
{signal="signal-yellow", color={r=1,g=1,b=0}},
{signal="signal-pink", color={r=1,g=0,b=1}},
{signal="signal-cyan", color={r=0,g=1,b=1}},
circuit_wire_connection_point =
shadow =
red = {0.734375, 0.578125},
green = {0.609375, 0.640625},
wire =
red = {0.40625, 0.34375},
green = {0.40625, 0.5},
circuit_connector_sprites = get_circuit_connector_sprites({0.1875, 0.28125}, {0.1875, 0.28125}, 18),
circuit_wire_max_distance = 36.5
type = "roboport",
name = "backbone-logistics",
icon = "__anarchy__/graphics/icons/backbone-icon.png",
flags = {"placeable-neutral", "placeable-off-grid", "player-creation"},
minable = {hardness = 0.2, mining_time = 1.5},
max_health = 350,
corpse = "small-remnants",
collision_box = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}},
selection_box = {{-0.5, -0.5}, {0.5, 0.5}},
logistics_radius = 18.5,
construction_radius = 36.5,
energy_source =
type = "electric",
usage_priority = "secondary-input",
input_flow_limit = "5MW",
buffer_capacity = "100MJ"
recharge_minimum = "5MJ",
energy_usage = "50KW",
charging_energy = "5MW",
robot_slots_count = 0,
material_slots_count = 0,
charge_approach_distance = 5,
charging_offsets =
{-1.5, -0.5}, {1.5, -0.5}, {1.5, 1.5}, {-1.5, 1.5},
vehicle_impact_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact.ogg", volume = 1.0 },
base =
filename = "__anarchy__/graphics/entity/backbone.png",
width = 136,
height = 132,
shift = {1, -0.75}
base_animation =
filename = "__anarchy__/graphics/entity/blank.png",
priority = "medium",
width = 1,
height = 1,
frame_count = 1
base_patch =
filename = "__anarchy__/graphics/entity/blank.png",
width = 1,
height = 1,
frame_count = 1
door_animation_up =
filename = "__anarchy__/graphics/entity/blank.png",
width = 1,
height = 1,
frame_count = 1
door_animation_down =
filename = "__anarchy__/graphics/entity/blank.png",
width = 1,
height = 1,
frame_count = 1
recharging_animation =
filename = "__anarchy__/graphics/entity/blank.png",
width = 1,
height = 1,
frame_count = 1
recharging_light = {intensity = 0.4, size = 5},
request_to_open_door_timeout = 15,
spawn_and_station_height = 1.75,
draw_logistic_radius_visualization = true,
draw_construction_radius_visualization = true,