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Forum Games: A Complaint About Their Closure

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 11:02 am
by olafthecat
Welp, you can lock this after I'm done, but I'm not happy. Generally, I enjoyed the forums games due to there, unique qualities. They are also old, some stemming back to 2014, when the forums was first around. Generally, they are part of the history of the forum, hence why I request unlocking them to posting. I have seen no complaints about the forums games since I began posting in the forums and although my activity has somewhat, reduced, in recent times and I see no reason for this very sudden and unexpected action. Spamming is a problem on the forum, I understand this and the fact that you all work very hard to prevent it, but forum games add a light hearted feel to the forum and most of all, help members of the community interact in a more, informal fashion.

Please acknowledge my opinion


PS: RIP Forum Games :(

Re: Forum Games: A Complaint About Their Closure

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 3:57 am
by foodfactorio
hi olaf :)

i also enjoyed the Logistics Robots thread, because it was quite fun and the posts were clever, showing how a robot could misunderstand a request in a humourous way. I think the main reason is that there are quite a few other posts that people are making, which triggers off notifications and email, but the post is just a 1 word association. (they can still be cool but i dont think the forum has a way to unfollow a thread, and i can understand why some threads are getting locked off or closed)

its ok though, we all had our fun, and (fingers crossed) :) at least the historical threads still exist.

Re: Forum Games: A Complaint About Their Closure

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 10:52 am
by olafthecat
foodfactorio wrote:its ok though, we all had our fun, and (fingers crossed) at least the historical threads still exist.
They will fade into obscurity though.
At least they weren't outright deleted. ;)

Re: Forum Games: A Complaint About Their Closure

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 7:06 pm
by Adeon Hawkwood
Yeah I agree. I can understand wanting to limit them either in quantity or location but locking them entirely is a bit much. Maybe have a separate sub-forum for them and people who don't want notifications can just turn it off for that sub-forum. As for post count inflation, who cares? Post count is meaningless as a measure of pretty much anything.

Re: Forum Games: A Complaint About Their Closure

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 7:53 pm
by Masterfox
Adeon Hawkwood wrote:Yeah I agree. I can understand wanting to limit them either in quantity or location but locking them entirely is a bit much. Maybe have a separate sub-forum for them and people who don't want notifications can just turn it off for that sub-forum. As for post count inflation, who cares? Post count is meaningless as a measure of pretty much anything.
Also, phpBB allows for ignoring certain sub-forums when it comes to postcount, so that would be the best solution.