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[1.1.80] Crash FluidBox::PipeConnection::calculateFlowSpeed

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 11:14 am
by nets
I keep getting this one. It happens sporadically. Initially i thought it had something to do with SE rocket-launches. as i always heard the rocket-launch sound when it happened (usually exactly as i ALT+TAB out/was TAB'ed out) (that happened 3 times). But this time i didn't hear a rocket launch sound and i was moving my character. Possibly there was one on a remote world.

Re: [1.1.80] Crash FluidBox::PipeConnection::calculateFlowSpeed

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 12:22 pm
by Loewchen
This crash suggests system instability, unless you can reproduce it reliably try removing any overclocking including xmp and check if that helps.