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[1.1.80] Crash related to wayland

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 1:51 am
by GalaxyX
Some system information.
OS: Arch Linux, updated all my packages this evening
Desktop: KDE Plasma w/ Wayland
CPU: Intel Core i7-9700K
GPU: AMD Radeon RX 580

What happened:
- (probably saved then) paused game
- locked screen
- got up
- took dog for a short walk
- sat down
- unlocked screen (computer did not go to sleep)
- there is crash dialog

Re: [1.1.80] Crash related to wayland

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 12:09 am
by raiguard
Thanks for the report. In 1.1.81 we upgraded SDL, which brought with it a bunch of Wayland-related bugfixes. Could you please try updating to 1.1.81 and see if this issue still occurs?