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[0.12.3] [pending] Opening placed entities speeds up their sound

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:16 pm
by Kirk
Something I encounter at times (but not always...) when opening an entity like an assembler or a miner is that the "running sound" is played at double (or higher?) speed. You hear the running sound but at a higher frequency.

Interestingly, once this happens, it continues to happen if you close and open that entity again (or at least within some time frame). I think it might also happen to other entities then (within that timeframe), so it might not be localized to specific entities when it happens.

When the entity is not opened, the running sound still plays at normal speed.

I have Windows 7, 64bit. My soundcard is an on-board realtek dealio, that generic stuff everybody has these days.

Re: [0.12.3] Opening placed entities speeds up their sound

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 12:58 pm
by kovarex
I'm not sure if it is really a bug or just misunderstanding.

Can you provide a savegame where this happens?

Does it happen when you do it with one single isolated entity?

Re: [0.12.3] [pending] Opening placed entities speeds up their sound

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 12:05 am
by Kirk
Ok, so I had it again. I created a save game but loading it doesn't reproduce the issue. I also noticed that, once it happens, it applies to all assemblers and miners anywhere.

Re: [0.12.3] [pending] Opening placed entities speeds up their sound

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 12:21 am
by Oxyd
Actually, it seems that Arumba encountered the same problem – is that what you're hearing as well?

Doesn't exactly help reproduce it, though. :/ Probably something somewhere gets initialised wrong during start-up. I'm assuming that restarting the game makes the issue go away, is that right?

Re: [0.12.3] [pending] Opening placed entities speeds up their sound

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:58 pm
by Rahjital
I've had this same issue practically on every playthrough, but it's so minor that I always forget to report it. But yes, quitting makes it go away, though it usually just randomly happens again later on.

Re: [0.12.3] [pending] Opening placed entities speeds up their sound

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 6:27 am
by Kirk
I think even just reloading the save makes it go away.