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Carbon Capture Mod

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 9:41 am
by nosports
CCT Mod (Carbon Capture Technology)

Every assembler type (assembly machine, refinery, plant, furnace) could be outfitted with the CarbonCaptureTechnology to reduce the pollution

So I think every assembler type needs an additional tier with and fluid output; and every recipe used for this also an additional result resembling the CarbonDioxide (and if want some toxic gases/traces)
Easist way I think would be produce an CCT-Part and then rebuild the assembler.
Maybe its also doable with an module but I am not such avid of modding

After that you need to deal with the Carbon (and the other) in an approbiate manner.
Carbon Dioxide turns to oil-derivates
Maybe one can use some drained oil wells as storageā€¦..

It should be a fairly late technology with at least Chemical and production science.

I know of many caboncapture mods or parts of mods via filters, but I think it could be expandable to a filter less approach to tackle the problem at the core.

So if any Modder has some time to waste in these times.......