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Scenario created from a save from a mod scenario doesn't copy image file?

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 5:39 pm
by Oarc
I'm not sure what is expected here but I did the following:

1. I have a scenario with no or .dat or whatever in it. It works great, prompts the user for map gen settings on the start, and it also has a image.png that displays nicely.
2. I made a mod version of my scenario. It shows up nicely as a mod scenario. I can start a game with it and save the game.
3. I uninstall the mod and load the save game. It lets me load it with no warnings. I think it's at this point that the user scenario is created since the mod no longer exists?
4. I'm guessing since the scenario is being created from the save file, and the save file has no image.png, so now I lose my scenario image for the new scenario that shows up under "User Scenarios".

I understand if this is not considered a bug since it would potentially add bloat to save files and I don't know the impact for other use cases of this type of scenario being "installed" from a save.

But maybe it's worth considering including the image.png file in save files if one exists. Especially since loading a save can "install" a scenario. I assume this would apply to joining a server, since I think that's the same thing?

Re: Scenario created from a save from a mod scenario doesn't copy image file?

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2020 3:25 pm
by Honktown
Sounds like a save file shouldn't be able to make a scenario. That just sounds kind-of dirty if that's what's happening. A mod/save shouldn't be able to pollute a folder un-intentionally (can I make a mod that overwrites the base scenarios or does the scenario have to not exist? ehhhh)

Edit: wait, if I read you correctly, the scenario from the scenario folder works without it existing? That's normal, in that case. A scenario from the scenario folder is copied into the save (found that out using comfyfactorio, and it also is a factor in other "soft" mods - mods that don't need to be downloaded for a user to join a server).

I think it would be helpful to clarify what is and isn't present in the folders, at each point: when is the scenario in the scenario folder, when is the mod, when is both/either/neither, etc.

Re: Scenario created from a save from a mod scenario doesn't copy image file?

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 3:05 pm
by Rseding91
Thanks for the report. I don't consider this worth changing because it would mean every single save file would have to carry around the extra image file and send it between everyone in multiplayer at all times.