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[0.12.11] Headless - desync

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 2:26 pm
by Tybs
Greetings all,

Currently, I'm occasionally having some issues with rejoining a running headless server: desyncs occur, the map is reloaded, another desync, reload, etc... until I've had enough and quit the game.

Using the new "--no-auto-pause" setting, the server has been running all night on its own. I can fix the issue temporarily by restarting the server (using an autosave file) and cleaning the client's temp folder, but eventually it seems to happen again some time later when I relogin. I'm using the 64-bit client, btw: one of my friends is doing the same, yet for some reason he does not seem to have issues.

The attachments of this post contain two of the automatically created desync reports. If someone already knows how to prevent this issue, then I'd love to hear the solution: otherwise, I hope the devs can get some useful info from the reports. Just dropping it here, since I know of no other place to do it. Thanks in advance! :D
