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Multiplayer lag when over two players

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 4:38 pm
by Cooltrain
So i have two other friends who have just bought Factorio. We are using Hamachi for the connection and it works fine as longs as its only two players. They have quite fast internet and unfortunately i have quite slow internet. My friend with the faster internet hosts but as soon as the player count goes above 2 players and we're all in game the game has incredible lag. Ontop of this due to my slower internet when i have to download the map the speed of the map download is no where near the speed of my internet and its almost 100X slower. What can be done to improve the map download speed and the current lag we're having when over two players. If anyone could give some hints about what to launch the server as, latency and yes/no tick box to peer to peer it will be a big help ?


Re: Multiplayer lag when over two players

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 5:06 pm
by daniel34
A few general tips:
  • Have the player with the fastest connection and the lowest ping to other players hosting the game (the player geographically in the "middle", if possible)
  • Disabling peer-to-peer will reduce the bandwidth needed on players who are not the host
  • Make sure the other players don't have any uploads/downloads running, even a 480p youtube video can/does lag a multiplayer session
  • The latency setting: set it a little higher than the highest ping between any two clients, some average values:
    • 33ms if you are on LAN
    • 50-100ms in the same country
    • 150-200ms on the same continent
    • 200-400ms for players all over the world (not recommended)

Re: Multiplayer lag when over two players

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 6:04 pm
by Cooltrain
daniel34 wrote:A few general tips:
  • Have the player with the fastest connection and the lowest ping to other players hosting the game (the player geographically in the "middle", if possible)
  • Disabling peer-to-peer will reduce the bandwidth needed on players who are not the host
  • Make sure the other players don't have any uploads/downloads running, even a 480p youtube video can/does lag a multiplayer session
  • The latency setting: set it a little higher than the highest ping between any two clients, some average values:
    • 33ms if you are on LAN
    • 50-100ms in the same country
    • 150-200ms on the same continent
    • 200-400ms for players all over the world (not recommended)
After some testing it seems like the problem is my connection :cry:

Due to living in a rural area i have a really slow download connection.

Im not sure if anything can be done about this, because as soon as i connect i cause lag for everyone else who is playing.

Re: Multiplayer lag when over two players

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 4:41 pm
by BlueRaja
Since this is one of the top posts on google:
Try UPS-up mod. It made Farlands mod (which is ridiculously laggy with a large base) playable for me and my friend.