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Access Denied to Save Game file?

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 12:17 pm
by Zalym

Good morning all, I received this message while trying to load a save game, or more accurately when I press the "Load Game" button at the main menu, this morning. I imagine someone has seen it before, does anyone know what happened or how to fix it?

I don't think I did anything to folder itself. I haven't been in the "Roaming" folder since I was elbow-deep in Minecraft over a year ago. The only changes to my PC have been the standard Windows updates that have popped-up during the last week.

I've been working on a map for about 13 hours now (not a lot of time I know but still :) ) and have multiple saves across multiple days. I've saved/loaded regularly and without issue until today. I last played and saved this game, successfully, around a week ago. This type of issue hasn't happened before, to me, even before the game went on Steam.

(Ignore the file name of 13.15 -- I did not realize that the updates on the steam page were not in the mainline game when I started playing. I haven't changed versions -- unless the mainbranch game has been updated -- or tried out the apparently experimental patches since I started on this map.) :oops:

Things I've tried so far:
Validated Steam Game Files
Start a brand new map - I receive the same error when I try to open the save menu in a new game
Given Factorio "Trusted" status from Anti-Virus
Turned Anti-Virus off entirely

Re: Access Denied to Save Game file?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 6:26 am
by DaveMcW
It seems like something in your saves folder got corrupted.

Try moving the saves folder out of C:/Users/
/AppData/Roaming/Factorio to start clean.

Re: Access Denied to Save Game file?

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 12:41 am
by Zalym
Thank you for your your reply -- I don't know what happened when I tried that.

I moved the folder, hit "play", and watched as the game's save file was rebuilt (from the cloud? I don't know) regardless when it was finished reloading the last save file it launched the game and I could load the save games again.

thank you for your help, whatever happened, it worked. :)