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save files are reseted every time

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 8:11 pm
by silver_26
I want my game to have 10 auto save files...
when I change the config file to auto save x 10
after I start the game... and I go look
the file has been reset to auto save x 3
why is this, and how to make it remember that I want 10 auto saves

instead of going back 30 min to a other save to undo something
I have to go back several hours to undo a mistake

Re: save files are reseted every time

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 9:42 pm
by searker
You need to remove the semicolon (";") before "autosave-slots" in order to override the default.

Basically, every line in a .ini files beginning with ; is considered a comment and not processed any further.

I just checked that myself - Without the semicolon, the change is persistent, however if i keep it, the change will be reverted and thus not applied.