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Linux sound delay

Posted: Thu May 02, 2019 12:32 pm
by neoc

I just tried to play the game (0.17) on Arch Linux, and so far the sound is working, but there is a delay of about 1 second. I have no idea where to start exploring this issue.

I found this thread:

viewtopic.php?t=34974 (which is probably too old anyway, 2016)

but it didn't help much, partly because I don't understand the background of the proposed two solutions. I couldn't find the file /etc/asound.conf on my system, and I don't know why factorio would care about a file /etc/allegro5rc I could create (and which content would that have?). I also don't understand how jack/jack2 could be a solution. I started jack2 after reading ... ection_Kit, but I don't get any feedback whether this worked and whether Factorio cares (the delay is still there). There are no command line options for Factorio and the log messages of a running Factorio don't give any information on the sound system used. And there don't seem to be any configuration files apart from the ingame-settings (volume levels etc.).

I'm pretty sure my system uses alsa. Anyone can help?