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[0.17.37] Util.cpp:83: Value must be a list or dictionary in property tree at ROOT.controls

Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 2:21 pm
by Laevras

I've just upgraded my computer to a new one, so it's a clean install of Factorio without any mod.
Switched to latest beta build on Steam (0.17.37).

And the game doesn't run. Stuck at 95% everytime, with the error in the title.

But :
I've just tried to run the game while swithing to the 0.17.36 version and the game start with no problem.
And, there's those lines in the log file (ver. 0.17.36 again) :

2.625 Info PlayerData.cpp:69: Local player-data.json unavailable
2.625 Info PlayerData.cpp:72: Cloud player-data.json available, timestamp 1557323731
2.625 Error PlayerData.cpp:212: Failed to load achievement data: Impossible de charger cette carte, enregistré en version 0.17.37-1, car sa version est supérieure à la version actuelle du jeu (0.17.36-0).
2.634 Info CropCache.cpp:57: Exception while loading crop cache: Impossible de charger cette carte, enregistré en version 0.17.37-1, car sa version est supérieure à la version actuelle du jeu (0.17.36-0).. This can be probably ignored

Like it's said in the last line, the map warning, is just a warning, but what about the two first ones? Is this just occuring because it's the first time the game start on this new machine?

Re: [0.17.37] Util.cpp:83: Value must be a list or dictionary in property tree at ROOT.controls

Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 3:32 pm
by slay_mithos
I was also hit by this, I fixed it by deleting all of the files in "%appdata%/Factorio" (you can most likely leave saves and mods folders alone, I just happened to have nothing worth keeping in there).

You will need to do the settings all over again, so maybe someone else will provide you with an answer that can solve it without that side effect but I thought that it might be good to have an answer rather than nothing.