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More Life Needs The Wasteland!

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 6:50 pm
by Tepalus
Helo Community

At the moment i'm fully into the game and cannot wait for 0.15. But the last days i realized how alone i actually am in the game. The aliens just attack, the drones just work 24/7 and the trees seem to not like me at all.

So i thought, that there could be a mod dor more "civilians" or "Citizens" somehow? Or maybe just the option to make the planet habitable and fill it with food and houses, just so it looks somehow not that unhealthy...

I mean, it couldn't be that hard to fill the game with more life? Maybe like in Stonehearth? For the model we just could use the char itself and repaint him.

Is there any mod to fill my lonely eyesight with joyable other livings? :(