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The new char models look great, but animation not that much

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 2:08 pm
by boki
As title says it. Really like the look. But the running animation is done very bad. The torso of character is static, while the arms/legs move like on a toy or something like that. I think the animation of the older character looked actually better.

Also another thing with tank, make it feel more powerful when you shoot. Let him shake a little, and maybe small particle cloud around him (like when you place items)every time he shoots the canon.

Re: The new char models look great, but animation not that m

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 6:34 pm
by aviantdosda
Haha, yeah. The running looks especially insane with 6 exoskeletons.

But function over form, I'd rather like more content than revised running animation.

Re: The new char models look great, but animation not that m

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 6:40 pm
by boki
aviantdosda wrote:Haha, yeah. The running looks especially insane with 6 exoskeletons.

But function over form, I'd rather like more content than revised running animation.
Well, i think quality is more important than quantity, especially as you will be looking at your character for most of the time in the game.

Re: The new char models look great, but animation not that m

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 6:45 pm
by Cordylus
Yes. The running animation is much worse than before. Looks very unnatural.

Re: The new char models look great, but animation not that m

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 11:06 pm
by chainedlupine
I noticed that too. There's not enough head and torso bob. There's some, but it's only visible when you zoom in fairly close.

I think the motions need to be exaggerated more, so that the torso/head bob is more prominent when zoomed out. Otherwise, yes it does look like the character is just sitting in place and flailing his arms and legs back and forth.

It's going to give him a cartoon swagger (like the old running animation) but I don't think that's avoidable at these scale levels.

Re: The new char models look great, but animation not that m

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 7:00 am
by slpwnd
Thanks for the feedback guys. Actually the running animation has been reworked couple of times already and we are still not happy with it. So there will probably be update about it in some of the future releases.