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Re: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 10:01 am
by solntcev
Hello, how does warfare decides use of allien artifacts in recipes?

I play with Bobs + Angels, all bobs allien settings set to off, but I still get big artifacts from spawners and worms.
Angels Biochem adds crafting of small artifacts, but there is no recipes to convert small to large artifacts.
High-end warfare items require large artifacts.

Does warfare read bobenemies settings or only check for artifacts existance? How it should work?

Re: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 11:36 am
by bobingabout
Basically, if artifacts exist, it uses them.

the settings in bobenemies should (Assuming I did it right) not even add artifacts to the game if you turn those settings off.

Re: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 10:07 am
by asw122
Hi Bob,

On the artifact vein - I'm playing Bob+Angel's with artifacts on, as I quite enjoy having to have some form of interaction with the aliens as part of the game beyond "don't die".

Only problem is the small artifacts - I get attacked A LOT. If I leave the game running for an hour or two, I can come back to having thousands of small purples on the ground near one of my mining bases (a combination of it producing a lot of pollution and a couple of nearby biter bases). Tagging thousands (or, as I just had to because I got ill and forgot the game wasn't paused for a couple of days, 202k) of them makes the game very stuttery and when I actually release the mouse to say "OK, tag everything in this area", it actually freezes for 10-20 seconds).

Is there any chance you could add something which would auto-tag them for collection by bot or something (maybe some kind of radar that tags everything in its range every 20 seconds or so)? I used to use Lootcrate which just magnet'ed them in for me, but with artifacts taken out of vanilla, all of those kind of mods (or at least all the ones I'm aware of) seem to have died. Even the ones that had it as part of a larger mod (like Robot Army) have deactivated that aspect in 0.15.

Re: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 11:06 am
by bobingabout
I have considered that sort of thing, but it's not something easy to do.

You could always turn off small artifacts, you'd then have to kill bases to get the big ones.

Re: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 11:08 am
by British_Petroleum
You can lay belts in the areas where the aliens die to automatically collect the artifacts

Re: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 3:44 pm
by orzelek
You can grab natural evolution buildings I think for automated artifact collector. It's pretty performance friendly if you don't use 100's of them.

Re: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 9:07 am
by solntcev
In other thread was mentioned that there will be recipes to convert allien artifacts to colored artifacts. Is this thing only planned or already implemented?
I did kind of make things easier now, if you have one coloured artifact, you can combine it with 5 regulars to get 5 of that colour.
How do I enable this recipe?

Another question: Is it possible to enable small artifacts for recipes (combine into large artifacts) but disable artifact drop? Angel biochem allows crafting of small artifacts, but I don't want my walls littered with artifacts from biters.

Re: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 9:55 am
by bobingabout
solntcev wrote:In other thread was mentioned that there will be recipes to convert allien artifacts to colored artifacts. Is this thing only planned or already implemented?
I did kind of make things easier now, if you have one coloured artifact, you can combine it with 5 regulars to get 5 of that colour.
How do I enable this recipe?

Another question: Is it possible to enable small artifacts for recipes (combine into large artifacts) but disable artifact drop? Angel biochem allows crafting of small artifacts, but I don't want my walls littered with artifacts from biters.
Already implemented, included in the latest version of bobenemies for 0.15.

You can edit the in game mod settings to turn on artifacts, but turn off artifacts from aliens, then they'll all exist, but you won't get the bubblegum spill. You still get large artifacts from destroying bases.

Re: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 3:46 am
by taeo
I've noticed in my mod loadout that all tiers of tanks now only have a single weapon. I'm assuming this is unintentional, is it a known mod incompatibility or bug? I'm also running angel's and AAI, if that helps.

Also, I'm not sure what mod the personal energy shield MK3+ come from, but I thought it was bob's. The recipes for them still call for artifacts, is there a toggle somewhere for that? I have artifacts turned off in bob's enemies (which I actually only added just to have the toggle to turn off), and all the bullets have alternate recipes, but not the energy shields or batteries or plasma cannons etc that are mk3+

Re: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 8:12 am
by bobingabout
Turning off the toggle in my mod only prevents the items being created by my mod. if artifacts are added elsewhere, they're still loaded and used by any of my other mods that would try to use them.

Since there's so many mods in my series, the easiest way is literally just to do a "if it exists then use it" check on an item per item basis, so if someone else adds an item by the same name, it'll use it just as if it was added by one of my mods.

As for only 1 weapon on tanks... well, doesn't the base game tank have 2 weapons? the cannon and the SMG? the MK2 should have 3(MK1 + Artillery), and the MK3 should have 4(MK2 + Laser weapon)

In all honesty I haven't really played the game to check if tanks actually work correctly, but since 0.15 has been out, this is the first I'm hearing of an issue.

Re: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 1:40 pm
by taeo
hmm, I bet Angel's mods are adding the artifacts back in, but doesn't look like he has a toggle for them. That being said, without Bob's Enemies, the recipes still used the colored artifacts but they had a broken name. Something like "unknown.item.something.something". I'm at work so I can't check.

As for the tanks, in my install the mk3 tank only has a laser cannon, and the mk2 only has artillery, nothing else. I'll see if its an incompatibility that's causing it.

Re: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 4:26 pm
by bobingabout
I can confirm that the tanks in my mod do indeed have 3 and 4 weapons each. They don't have a flamethrower though, that is a new addition since I made my tanks.

Re: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 10:10 pm
by taeo
Just a quick update in case anyone ends up in this thread with the same issues I've had

The mk2 and mk3 Tanks were missing most of their weapons due to an incompatibility with AAI vehicles or one of it's dependencies

The artifacts still showing up in the higher tear warfare recipes is being caused by one of Angel's mods, I'm not sure which one. They must leave some stub of an item behind in their code that bob's mods picks up on. Not sure if there is anything you can do about it Bob, or if I should be bothering the Angel's dev.

You can see here what I was mentioning earlier about the name

Re: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 10:51 pm
by bobingabout
Yeah, probably best to poke angel about those artifacts. He is usually quite accomodating. There's also not much I can do to fix it because angels is an "over bobs", his overrides mine on purpose.

Re: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 8:35 am
by solntcev
taeo wrote:...
As for the tanks, in my install the mk3 tank only has a laser cannon, and the mk2 only has artillery, nothing else. I'll see if its an incompatibility that's causing it.
AAI vehicle mods remove weapons from all vehicles. Another side effect: your vehicles becomes autonomous, you can load them with ammo and command remotely.

Re: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 12:59 am
by taeo
solntcev wrote:
taeo wrote:...
As for the tanks, in my install the mk3 tank only has a laser cannon, and the mk2 only has artillery, nothing else. I'll see if its an incompatibility that's causing it.
AAI vehicle mods remove weapons from all vehicles. Another side effect: your vehicles becomes autonomous, you can load them with ammo and command remotely.
so its even intentional. I don't see much point in an autonomous tank that can't shoot. I only wanted it for the hauling truck anyway, I'm happy enough without it. I just hope Angel's mod does something about the artifacts half-showing up

Re: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 8:02 pm
by tistel78

In Factorio 0.15.32 i engunterd 1 splitter ailien with 50 k hp and 1 biter ailien with 100 k hp.

Are those from you are they from the original game?

I Use quite many Bob's mods, but I think warfare are the one that my change original setup.

Re: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:19 am
by bobingabout
You're probably talking about Leviathan spitters/biters added by the bob's Enemies mod.

Re: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 2:37 pm
by Chibiabos
Would really like to see larger equipment grid sizes on vehicles, especially advanced vehicles. Top tier tank has 10x6 grid, versus top tier power armor has 16x16. When I have top tier power armor, vehicles are virtually useless -- I can stuff my grid with exoskeletons and shields and move faster and survive more damage than I can with the top tier tank, and the car doesn't seem to have any upgrades.

I'd like to see vehicle equipment grids at /least/ as large as the similar tier power armor, and it'd be nice to have an advanced car (or maybe a truck) that's less combat-focused (so not as many weapons nor armor/hit points) but with large inventory and equipment grids to use as a mobile construction base.

Re: [0.12.x][v0.12.11] Bob's Warfare mod

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 6:06 am
by Litcube
Hi guys!

Since I can produce uranium ammo in a much more simpler process than the warfare mod ammo, I never use the warfare ammo.

Any ideas on how to make Bob's warfare bullets more attractive? Right now, vanilla uranium bullets are easier, cheaper, more effective.