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[Compatibility] ShadowsMegaModpack VS Bobsmods... 2nd round

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 7:43 pm
by darkshadow1809
Hi there,

First off to make sure I do not have a problem with my computer being to low for this pack to run ill list the specs :)

GPU: ZOTAC GeForce GTX 980 4GB
CPU: I7-4770K running @ 4,7 GH'z

^ Thats actually the only things needed to be listed :P

So off to the errors and compatibility issues I have whilst making the pack I discovered some weird issues whilst throwing your bobsmods in here. ofcourse i downloaded it for 0.12 :) and work flawlessly when put alone.

But then I put all of my mods back in.

and get this error when starting up factorio :(

I tried fiddling around a bit with the code. but decided.. that its best to forward this :)

After removing one of the mods. (bob logistics) I get another error:

Alright... lets remove bobs assembly aswell... well damn:

Okay lets remove bobs mining! DANGIT....

wellp off to bobplates.. That goes out aswell... and it loads.. Oh thank god it loads!

So.. apparently if i remove some mods. Your bobsmods will work :) Specificly being Dytech causing this issue.

Thanks for your hardwork and fixing :) Lets see to get this fixed!

PS: No treefarm is not causing an issue with warfare :) Used the fix for it in your compatibility thread :)

Re: [Compatibility] ShadowsMegaModpack VS Bobsmods... 2nd round

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 11:11 pm
by bobingabout
Looking at the last screenshot there, you probably don't need my clock if you already have the other clock installed.

as for your comment at the end, are you sure it is DyTech causing the issue?

The general error messages that pop up seem to be related to a catagory error for recipes.

Re: [Compatibility] ShadowsMegaModpack VS Bobsmods... 2nd round

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 12:04 am
by darkshadow1809
bobingabout wrote:Looking at the last screenshot there, you probably don't need my clock if you already have the other clock installed.

as for your comment at the end, are you sure it is DyTech causing the issue?

The general error messages that pop up seem to be related to a catagory error for recipes.

Yup as soon as i take dytech's stuff out. Your mod works fine. And other way around. If i take your mods out. Dytech works fine. So... :evil: getting quite frustrated to why its not working xD cause the code is fine.

EDIT: One minute.. I think ive found a mod.. who collides with you making it look like dytechs doing it but its not..

Re: [Compatibility] ShadowsMegaModpack VS Bobsmods... 2nd round

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 12:10 am
by darkshadow1809
Lol ... would've never guessed. ... 93&t=14067

this ones causing it. Reverse factory... Man i should go through my mods more careful next time o.o...

Thanks bud xD

Uhm anyway now I don't know why specificly only THAT mod is causing it o.o Could it be your mods causing to clash with his? Or his mod clashing with yours xD?

If its not your fault Ill move this bug over to him :) Thanks again!

Re: [Compatibility] ShadowsMegaModpack VS Bobsmods... 2nd round

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 12:37 am
by bobingabout
I would need to take a closer look at said mod to see if it is doing anything silly that may cause issues. Unfortunately, due to my schedule, I don't have the time right now, but if you leave it with me I'll take a look when I can.

Re: [Compatibility] ShadowsMegaModpack VS Bobsmods... 2nd round

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:06 am
by Degraine
Reverse Factory generates its recipe list dynamically when it's loaded, and it claims to have Dytech compatibility in its post, but presumably the author didn't test with multiple large mods together.

Re: [Compatibility] ShadowsMegaModpack VS Bobsmods... 2nd round

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 8:20 am
by bobingabout
I see... I'll take a guess then, that because some (quite a lot actually) of the recipes in my mods do not have a subgroup set, instead relying on the subgroup of the resultant item to auto-catagorise it, that because the reverse is being done giving multiple results, no subgroup can be auto-catagorised by the game, causing the seen errors. This is the case for nearly every item, the exception being those in MCI where the production subrgoup differs from the item subgroup. (MCI's resources, the items are catagorised by item type, but the recipe is catagorised by what machine makes it, this does not include intermediate products like gear wheels or electroincs)

In short, the mod that is generating the reverse recipes is not compatable with Bob's mods, nearly all of them.

Which sort of makes the error messages make sense too, because all the errored recipes have a rf prefix, my first thought was "That's not my recipe" untill I saw the mining drill one that had a bob prefix, then my thought was "Okay, maybe it is my recipe, but what's the rf prefix for?".

To fix the issue I would need to go through every recipe in all my mods with a fine tooth comb and manually add a sub-group for each of them.

Alternatively, an addition could be made to the Reverse Factory mod, that if no sub-group is found, it looks at the resultant item and checks it's sub-group instead. This would be a much easier fix than me sifting through every recipe in all my mods, and would not only fix the problem for me, but should also reduce the likelyhood of possible issues with other mods in the future.

Due to the extent of the work, going over all my recipes is something that I most likely won't get around to doing untill next weekend, if it is still required.

Re: [Compatibility] ShadowsMegaModpack VS Bobsmods... 2nd round

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 4:58 pm
by darkshadow1809
bobingabout wrote:I see... I'll take a guess then, that because some (quite a lot actually) of the recipes in my mods do not have a subgroup set, instead relying on the subgroup of the resultant item to auto-catagorise it, that because the reverse is being done giving multiple results, no subgroup can be auto-catagorised by the game, causing the seen errors. This is the case for nearly every item, the exception being those in MCI where the production subrgoup differs from the item subgroup. (MCI's resources, the items are catagorised by item type, but the recipe is catagorised by what machine makes it, this does not include intermediate products like gear wheels or electroincs)

In short, the mod that is generating the reverse recipes is not compatable with Bob's mods, nearly all of them.

Which sort of makes the error messages make sense too, because all the errored recipes have a rf prefix, my first thought was "That's not my recipe" untill I saw the mining drill one that had a bob prefix, then my thought was "Okay, maybe it is my recipe, but what's the rf prefix for?".

To fix the issue I would need to go through every recipe in all my mods with a fine tooth comb and manually add a sub-group for each of them.

Alternatively, an addition could be made to the Reverse Factory mod, that if no sub-group is found, it looks at the resultant item and checks it's sub-group instead. This would be a much easier fix than me sifting through every recipe in all my mods, and would not only fix the problem for me, but should also reduce the likelyhood of possible issues with other mods in the future.

Due to the extent of the work, going over all my recipes is something that I most likely won't get around to doing untill next weekend, if it is still required.

No worries ;) Thanks for the help. Ill ask the author from reverse factory to apply a fix instead :D No need to go through a huge amount of trouble for a small thing :)

Thanks for the help!

Re: [Compatibility] ShadowsMegaModpack VS Bobsmods... 2nd round

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 8:14 pm
by bobingabout
After actually looking into it... I was wrong.
I posted a comment on the mod's page. ... 369#p95369

Re: [Compatibility] ShadowsMegaModpack VS Bobsmods... 2nd round

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 2:29 am
by SHiRKiT
Man I love bob :D sorry for the spam.

Re: [Compatibility] ShadowsMegaModpack VS Bobsmods... 2nd round

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 8:04 am
by bobingabout
SHiRKiT wrote:Man I love bob :D sorry for the spam.
Showing your apreciation isn't spam. Thank you for the support!