Tooltips show recipe crafting speed with respect to entity

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Tooltips show recipe crafting speed with respect to entity

Post by ProfoundDisputes »

When selecting a recipe for a machine hovered over items have updated crafting speeds for entities crafting speed, module and beacons etc. Also when hovering over a machine instead of just saying Crafting Speed 0.75 the actual crafting speed of the selected recipe is shown.

What ?
Update the crafting recipe tooltip to reflect the updated value for the entity your selecting a recipe for. For example, for a Assembler Machine 2 you hit select recipe and hover over the iron gear icon. It will show crafting time of .6666sec or something. When you hover over the Assembler Machine 2 with a iron gear recipe you will see 1 gear per .666 secs.

This should at least be an option that can be enabled by the player. This does have the possibility of confusing the new players.
Why ?
Assembler Machine 1, Assembler Machine 2, Chemical Plant, Oil Refinery and etc have crafting speeds that can vary depending on the tier, building type, beacons or modules. Why does the player have to calculate the effective crafting time of all the recipes for any possible situation?
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Re: Tooltips show recipe crafting speed with respect to entity

Post by MoleOnDope »

This is is a very valid suggestion I think. Since the player's manual crafting speed is 1, the base crafting speed of a recipe is always easily accessible from the inventory, it would only make sense to show the adapted crafting time within the machine's GUI.
It might even have crossed my mind, but I must have forgotten it again right away in midst of some wild calculations :roll:
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