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Setting in stacking buildings to turn stacking off

Posted: Thu Feb 29, 2024 6:31 pm
by Heeba
"Output stacks" toggle on machines that output stacks like the big drill.
What ?
A little checkbox in the building menu of a stacking building that, when toggled off, makes the building output single items. Similar to being able to set the hand size on inserters.
Why ?
For one, I think it'd just be good communication. Something right there in the building menu feels like a good place to communicate that a building is a stacker. For two, I can imagine some cases where stacking behavior is undesirable. The main case I'm thinking of is big drills with quality modules. A drill could end up waiting a very long time to get a full stack of legendary ore, and it would be preferable to get that ore the moment it's mined.

Re: Setting in stacking buildings to turn stacking off

Posted: Thu Feb 29, 2024 10:24 pm
by Shadowlords
I do not see where this would be used. Currently, the only buildings that output items directly onto belts (that have been revealed or already in the base game) are the mining drills(burner and electric) from the current game, and from the expansion big mining drill and recycler. The big mining drill is the only building that outputs stacks that we know of, it is an upgraded feature from the electric mining drill so adding that function to the regular mining drill might feel reductive. The recycler would break if it had to output stacks as it outputs multiple different items at a time.

Stacks on belts are different than stacks of items in the rest of the game, like in ingredient slots or inventories, you aren't moving a full stack of items around in that regard, inserters will still move items at their hand size bonus from building to building or chest to chest. On a belt stacks only go to 4 items after fully researching them, they start at 2 items high.

The new inserter creates the stacks onto belts, from buildings or other belts, which in itself is the toggle of whether you want stacks or not coming from a building. Also unless I missed something I'm not sure Ore has quality. It's been stated that recycling plates gives a chance back to get higher quality plates, not higher quality ore but also the chance that the plate disappears Maybe you can put quality in furnaces to get higher plates as well. I could be wrong though about quality ore. My assumption is if the big mining drill outputs stacks of quality it either will mine/output a belt stack as quality, or when it mines quality it just outputs it not in a stack, or just stores the items in the new holding area until a full stack (a full stack outputting on belts is only 4 at max research) is valid and then outputs that, which kind of also counters my point about the recycler.

I'm not sure you understand the belt stacking mechanic fully or I am not understanding your idea properly.
Maybe if loaders were put in the game a toggle to stack items or not with the loader would be nice, but also I feel you would just always want it to but your concern about it getting stuck with different quality would be valid, but that would mean you had a design flaw in your build and you should work around that by filtering out all quality before going through the loader.
Currently, the only building revealed to output stacks onto belts is the big mining drill, having an on/off toggle or UI element to indicate that besides a couple of words in the description is a bit overkill and I personally do not see a need for it, you will almost always want the items stacked on the belt coming from the drill, it's just 200-400% better than not.