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Keybind to access vehicle's inventory

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 8:34 pm
by NexGenration
Add a keybind to access our current vehicle's inventory

What ?
Exactly what is listed in the subject
Why ?
- There is a keybind for accessing your own inventory. There is also a button you can click to do the same thing above your armor slot. There is an equivalent button above your vehicle's stats to open its inventory. However, there is no keybind for opening its inventory. This is an inconsistency
- It gets tedious always having to click this button to open its inventory, just as it would be equally tedious if you could only open your character's inventory by clicking its respective button
- The alternative is clicking on the vehicle itself, but this can get difficult at times when you are piloting a spidertron while standing over a busy background full of various machines (each with their own inventory(esque) screen when clicked on) and a swarm of logistics bots flying around
- There are already plenty of other keybinds. Surely one more shouldn't too much more ;)