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[0.15.35] Train station: en-/disable & text color (cosmetic)

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 11:44 pm
by Hathwos
Hi folks,

This is not really a bug as in "problem" ;)

If you disable and enable train stations through the circuit network the name of the station changes color to red and white.

Case 1: if you have map open this change is reflected instantly -> it works, great

Case 2: if you have the train window open at change it does not update instantly -> you reopen the window it's reflected correctly

And a suggestion if you have multiple stations named alike:

- you have multiple stations e.g. multiple unloads, all the same name
- the train will use any of them if it's suitable, good

But if one station is disabled the stop is marked as red in train window but in fact it can reach an open station with this name

Would be nice if it would mark them yellow or something if some are disabled and some reachable

(Just to be clear on this, i don't talk about blocking a station with signals)

Happy coding, cheers :)

Re: [0.15.35] Train station: en-/disable & text color (cosmetic)

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 12:08 am
by Rseding91
Thanks for the report. GUIs not updating to match the game while they're open is a general problem that may never be resolved due to multiplayer latency.

As for your other ideas - some may work - but those aren't bugs and as such go in ideas and suggestions.