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Terrain, Weather and Aliens

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:48 am
by DragonPox90210
Since the regular planet is fairly plain why not add different sections of the planet? Such as a cold mountainous north region where you have to build heated drills to bore through the ice to get to the resources (I would imagine these drills would have lava pumped directly into it). Or maybe a volcanic region where geothermal energy thrives, here you could build a strainer of some kind that filters out the minerals from the lava. I would just like to see more varied landscapes than dirt, grass and sand- at the very least rain should be implemented with the off chance of a thunder storm which can short out machines or you can craft a lightning rod which can absorb lightning energy and if you or any creeper are too close they'd get zapped

on a separate note: I propose a bio-analyser that scans creepers to create bonuses against them. so instead of just killing them they could drop bones which are fed into the machine like science packs. then later after some research you can create a cloning machine that can make creepers to fight for you- they would be made with alien artifacts which are different from alien bones.
I look forward to more updates :)