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Better Base Parts.

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2017 6:38 pm
by Alien_Squasher
So there's an issue I find in Factorio, a lot of times bases just don't seem intersting enough, every factorio base can be summed up in one fashion: Belts are everwhere, machines lay scattered about, and bots fly overhead as trains pull into stations to unload. It's not that there's not enough going on, it's that bases don't really have too much feel to them.

To curb this I'd like to suggest thinking out new base parts such as more flooring options and generally more "flavor" items that add a pop to bases.

In every Tekkit playthrough (For those unfamiliar with Tekkit it is kinda the inspiration for Factorio) I'd always construct a very pretty base out of cool looking blocks like Marble brick, Oak wood, and Glass. Factorio doesn't really have this.

In addition I think the Art team of Factorio would have a ton of fun coming up with all sorts of flooring and walling options to give the game more flavor, and any other decoratives they can think up.

In conclusion I'd like to say Factorio's issue isn't the environment, it's the lack of decor for the bases. When Cliffs roll out (If the devs don't scrub the launch of that update) the environment will be complete, but we'd still only have three types of flooring and one type of wall. To me something there just seems out of place.

Re: Better Base Parts.

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 7:57 am
by Engimage
There is a mod for that (c)
Take this mod and feel relief

Re: Better Base Parts.

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 8:37 pm
by Dreepa
I also played Minecraft with Bevo's Tech Pack, Resonant Rise and DNS Techpack. Totally know what you mean.

Maybe the Devs could work together with the mod guys, and integrate the stuff into vanilla! :)

Re: Better Base Parts.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 1:17 pm
by olafthecat
That is a lovely mod (I'm gonna install it!)