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missing "view on map" button on train stations

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 10:03 pm
by dog80
when a player in chat sends me a "link" to a train station directly, there is not really a way to navigate quickly to the station, and also if this is the case and there are multiple stations with this name, i have no way to find out which station he means + find it in a reasonable time

Re: missing "view on map" button on train stations

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:20 pm
by Iconer
Yes, this would be very helpful.
I need this quite often, to tell the other player, which train station I am talking about.
Pinging the station doesn't help at all, because the train station does not have a "Show location on map" button.
Now i just ping the station, then see it does not help, and then I ping some land near the station, for the ping to work.
I usually place the stations with the same name next to each other, so I don't care if the button shows the location of one or another.

Re: missing "view on map" button on train stations

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 10:32 pm
by Shadow_Man
Suggestion: add an additional key for station/train ping, for example "Ctrl+Click", to open exactly the coordinates of the place, as with a normal ping.