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Keybinding for going to next quickbar shortcut

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2020 2:38 am
by IvanGS
So, I have some wrist problems and have been working hard on setting up some controller bindings using JoyToKey. I've noticed there are keybinds to go to the next whole quickbar, but not one (as far as I can tell) to select the next item on a quickbar, just 1-0 for specific slots on the bar.

One thing that would really be a colossal help would be the ability to go to the next item on the bar (based on the one currently being held). Minecraft, for example, has this functionality, and it makes it way easier to map things considering you can suddenly access the entire quickbar with just 2 keys (one to go forward through the bar and one to go backwards).

I have no idea how difficulty this is technically, and maybe there's a good reason this isn't already supported, but I think it would be a really nice option.

Re: Keybinding for going to next quickbar shortcut

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 5:19 am
by Itemfinder
I would also like keybinds for next/previous shortcut, as well as Reverse rotate active quickbar--having only forward quickbar rotate defeats the utility of more than 2 active quickbars because 3 or 4 keystrokes are required to change from A to B/C/D and back to A.

Re: Keybinding for going to next quickbar shortcut

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 12:46 am
by IvanGS
This came back to mind after a particularly painful day. I did a bit of investigation into making a mod to do this, but I'm not actually sure it's possible with the current functionality.

I found functions for

Code: Select all

and for messing with the

Code: Select all

, but as far as I can tell there's no way to programatically set which quick bar slot is active :(

So I guess this would actually *have* to be some sort of built in functionality or addtional API functions. Unless there's something I'm missing, which is very possible.

In an effort to make my case, I've attached a gif what it would ideally 'look' like going forward, and then in reverse (ignoring items in the quickbar that you don't actually possess)