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Achievments in PvP Scenario

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 11:15 am
by BlackEagles
Dear Developer,

first of all i must say I love Factorio! You did a realy phenomenal work on working on this masterpiece of art, technology and knowledge! I' ve said in the past and i will in the future.

I ve looking on that game and playing it for years now and every update and new mods make that game that awesome like it is. But after all this years there is one thing i thing it can be done, but i didnt found someone asked. Achievments for the PvP Scenario.
Nowadays its usual for me and my friends to have different teams to respect the different playtimes in equivilant to the given progress. It did very well and some things are mad littler better with mods. The stabitility increased much over the last 2 updates(0.18/1.0) and we are very happy.
This time i wanted to add these two mods too:

But ive seen that all achievmets: vanilla and the two mods are disabled in pvp. So here my question:

Can you patch it that these mods and vanilla achievments are working? (Of course no need for the steam achievments, they are for ironma vanilla XD)

SirWillam from Black Eagles