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White board function / Better "Plan" a Factory on the map ?

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 12:38 pm
by Aski.CZE
Any chance of adding basically some sort of overlay that would work on map view and in regular gameplay where players could turn it on grab a marker chose color and scribble all over everything just like u could on some sort of transparent “white board“

Intended use

You start a new game with some buddies there's more of u so communication might be a bit harder so u start to do basic stuff not much collaboration is needed at that point but once u get a bit further u start to plan where what goes so all of u jump in to map view and point out locations by actually marking when with circle or with exact border around that location no matter what shape it is

I play a lot with just 1 person and we use “ping” function all the time but that's way too much inaccurate and its ok basically just to call out resources that one might miss and and we have to elaborate to one another what we actually want where with this u could mark exact location for something and even with this in regular gameplay u could somewhat sketch out some layout in advance by showing u could literally draw it in, add text, notes etc.

Also it would be nice if u could choose how long this text scribbles whatever u want to do with it stays there u want it to last 10min set that way u want it to last forever? also an option to set it to

And i'm not saying this would absolutely remove need for communication but it would make it definitely easier IMO

Hope it makes sense and its not too chaotic :D

Re: White board function

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 4:43 pm
by Qon
I don't play multiplayer very often. So at first it didn't seem very useful. But after reading through it all I'm actually fully convinced that this is a fantastic suggestion. And it could even be useful for planning in single player. The icon labeling system exists but one icon here or there doesn't convey the size of builds or the routes between them or the borders and directions to move in etc. For large scale single player or for medium size multiplayer it might have potential comparable to blueprints, just by having drawings on the actual map.

Re: White board function

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 8:33 pm
by eradicator
+1 This is one of the the reasons I requested draw_on_map several years ago.

Re: White board function

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 11:04 pm
by ssilk

An Option, to better "Plan" a Factory on the map ?

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2022 1:15 am
by TheRailmaker
Hey, There.
Im playing alot of MP, and i allways missed a tool, to plan "the basics of the Factory" via the map.
Lets say you need some space, to build your reactor. You want to know, if someoen else also had a plan for this area.
What do you do ?

-You can spam map tags to mark the borders, but it takes quite long, and looks kinda bad.
-you can place ghosts of something on the borders ,but thats also only possible with vision, (and some players will just build them/ remove them :D )

I miss a possibility to "free write" over the map, or draw a colorued half transparent square or shape.
Would help alot to coordinate in MP Sessions. What do you think ?

Re: An Option, to better "Plan" a Factory on the map ?

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2022 2:06 am
by FuryoftheStars

Re: White board function

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 2:57 am
by ssilk

Re: White board function / Better "Plan" a Factory on the map ?

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 5:37 am
by nosports
The factorian way of planing / reserving some space would be a combination of two mods i would guess:

* Holographic sign mod

* some laser lines